Team finance tracker

This might’ve been covered before, but what does everybody use to keep track of their team finances that their students can access? Basically, I want something QuickBooks like, but not something that is actually connected to any accounts. Ideally, I would like to be able to have multiple users, the ability to generate printed invoices and receipts and generate reports, but not actually integrate with real money. Or nag about integrating with real money. 7 What are y’all’s thoughts? I’ve considered doing a Google sheet, but I’d rather find a piece of software dedicated to this kind of thing. Thank you in advance for any help you can give.

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Our team uses TeamSnap to keep a schedule, roster, and send invoices. I would highly recommend it.

If your team is associated with a 501c3 you can get QuickBooks fairly easily through TechSoup. What do you mean “not connected to any accounts”?

We’ve been using Quickbooks for the past 4 years and its fantastic. I second this comment.

@sbrumbaugh Can you clarify “not actuallly integrate with real money”, are you talking in terms of linking an account / card / payment processing program?

Yes, I don’t want to actually link it or really even have it ask me to link whatever solution we end up with permanently to an account with real money.

I want to be able to put in a starting balance and then essentially it’ll be a digital check register that we just put in manually any deductions or credits to the account so that our team finance student can keep track of what we have, but have no access to actually change real money. I get a monthly financial report from our schools registrar that I would match up for any discrepancies or, have my finance kid do. And I would like for them to be able to generate reports for Team Meetings.

I know for the most part that I should be able to make something like this with Google Sheets, but I guess I’m just being obstinate in that I would like to find an actual program to fulfill these functions. For example, I really like “Actual Budget”, a self-hosted, budgeting app, but it doesn’t allow multiple users, it doesn’t even have a username you sign in with a password