Team Hammond Recipes!!

hey all! team hammond has a new fundraiser for its team. a recipe book with recipes from other teams! please feel free to visit the team hammond recipe book page today and submit your recipe! thanks a ton!

insert frozen food in microwave…
enter desired settings on front panel of microwave…
press start
enjoy delicious tasting preservatives!

thats the only recipe i know:(

Can you guys put out a cook book with the recipe for those brownies that Mrs. Noble makes??? Those are the best!!!

i think thats a wicked good idea

The only recipe I know is 265-4444. Wait. That’s the number for the local pizza place. :smiley: (Official food of FIRST!)

Here’s a thought for all those that depend on food that is already frozen before you cook it…a cooking class! LOL. Seriously, a team sponsored cooking class. I have to say however that even with being female I can’t cook if my life depended upon it.

well…I can bake and I can make grilled cheese. Guess I wont go too hungry.

Oh yeah, my dad cooks in my house so no jokes about woman should know how to cook. Heh.

here’s an easy recipe for you people who don’t know much about cooking.

take a piece of toast, slab on a light coat of ketchup (or heavy coat…depending on whether you put ketchup on your ketchup or not) sprinkle on some oregano, red pepper, and thyme or rosemary…maybe even some garlic. pop on a slice of cheese and whatever toppings you want. slip into microwave for 45 sec on high and viola! homemade pizza!

*Originally posted by Brm789 *
**Here’s a thought for all those that depend on food that is already frozen before you cook it…a cooking class! LOL. Seriously, a team sponsored cooking class. I have to say however that even with being female I can’t cook if my life depended upon it.

well…I can bake and I can make grilled cheese. Guess I wont go too hungry.

Oh yeah, my dad cooks in my house so no jokes about woman should know how to cook. Heh. **

I’m a good cook…and I’m a guy. It’s like building a robot…sorta…you kinda measure (mostly guess)…then hope it comes out good.