Team I.R.S. 2022 Teaser

Well we have a working idea…about 1 week to finish…

it looks like there are quite a few “doubtful” things in your robot.
I really don’t think that using orbit balls as part of your robot is legal… how can you tell between them and the once on the field?

You mentioned and showed using a suction cup to put balls in rival trailers. I will not start talking about the low efficiency and functionality of this idea, it is your decision to make. That said, i do want to mention the questionable legality of this idea, as in order to place the ball in an opponents trailer you need to have the suction cup above it, and beyond your own bumper perimeter, and that is not permitted by the rules. If you have a way to place those balls in trailers without exceeding dimensions, you are good to go, but i don’t see that working well, and maybe even at all.

:confused: rules where do i find them?

I’m going to call their bluff. I bet that was their 2007 robot.

OK, somebody doesn’t “get it” - but I don’t think that somebody is 2022. :cool:

I really hope you are joking, but i am still going to answer this seriously just in case.

It can be hard to understand American humor.

What’s with the people taking this seriously? It’s obviously a joke. Nice vid guys. :slight_smile:


Hmmm… I just realized how the CNC cut pieces shaped like an I.

Don’t worry, the bot is coming along great.

Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, with math on the whiteboard.

P.S. Two major components of the actual robot are shown. (Not counting electronics)

OMG!!!111! OMG! Not fair!!! D=

Why is your team’s bot so cool?!?!?!?! :frowning: :mad: :ahh: :ahh: :yikes: