where or how can i get logos made for my team
i used the 3dS-MAX software to redraw our logo
If your looking into how to make a team logo, you can just use photoshop or any imaging program and make it up. If you were asking about decals and such and have a logo made up already, you could find any local company that can print them and ask them to donate/sponsor your team or just give you a nice discount.
1020 got their logo donated by a web design company (thanks again SpinWeb.com!). If you can’t find some place to help you out, give photoshop or fireworks a try. Or even illustrator. As far as getting the logo stuff like shirts and pins - just search on the web, there’s tons of places. You can also probably find suggestions here in the forums. Personally I like artapart.com and everyonelovesbuttons.com - but there are tons to choose from.
try to make it vector based too, just incase you need to blow it up for a banner, or shrink it down for buttons. its better to have a scalable design.
…and if you’d like to find help here on CD.com, I’d be more than happy to do what I can for you.
Hey, M. Long time no post. Enjoying Washinton?