Team Member Applications

Posted by Justin Stiltner.

Student on team #388, Epsilon, from Grundy High School and NASA, American Electric Power, Town of Grundy.

Posted on 5/29/2000 12:05 AM MST

Does any team have their prespective members fill out an application?? Our small team has been swamped with requests to join the team next year and unfortunally we cannot accomidate everyone. If any other teams have an application I would gladly e- mail a pic of a DEW to you in return hehe lol. But serously it would serously help my team in drafting our own application.

Justin Stiltner
Team #388
Grundy, Va

Posted by Lora Knepper.

Student on team #69, HYPER (Helping Youth Pursue Engineering & Robotics), from Quincy Public Schools and The Gillette Company.

Posted on 5/29/2000 5:53 AM MST

In Reply to: Team Member Applications posted by Justin Stiltner on 5/29/2000 12:05 AM MST:

Are you looking for team application forms? We use one in the driver/human player selection process, but anyone interested is free to join the team. I do remember hearing that quite a few teams use them in selecting team members as well though. Best of luck.


Posted by Becky Allen.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Student on team #16, Baxter Bomb Squad, from Mountain Home High School and Baxter Healthcare.

Posted on 5/29/2000 9:37 AM MST

In Reply to: Team Member Applications posted by Justin Stiltner on 5/29/2000 12:05 AM MST:

The Bomb Squad has an application/interview process for prospective members. If I can remember correctly, the application consists of the usual information(name, grade, etc), it asks the applicant to name three of their best assests, it asks for teachers names that you think will give you a great recommendation, and then at the end it has a prompt: Using any form of media, sell yourself as a Bomb Squad member.(This is to show creativity and dedication to the appliation process.) When the applicant returns the application, they then sign up for an interview spot. We hold these after school. The interview panel consists of our two teacher sponsors and usually an engineer(perhaps your team leader). The interview session is almost like a job interview. Questions include: What qualities do you think you can bring to the team? Because of the immense time dedication, how will you handle time management? Of course, you can adapt these questions to your team needs. I’m not sure exactly what the interviewers look for in the applicant, but I can guess it would consist of dedication, consise speaking skills(the ablity to express interest), responsibility, maturity, and any other quality that will make a great, well-rounded team.
I hope these comments have helped you. If you need any further information, or have any questions, feel free to email me. I can direct you to an engineer that could help you even more.
Good Luck!
Becky Allen
Team 16–The Baxter Bomb Squad
[email protected]

Posted by Erin.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Student on team #1, The Juggernauts, from Oakland Technical Center-Northeast Campus and 3-Dimensional Services.

Posted on 5/29/2000 2:39 PM MST

In Reply to: Team Member Applications posted by Justin Stiltner on 5/29/2000 12:05 AM MST:


We have a small application to fill out (I think, I don’t remember all the way back to the beginning of school) But I know we have a big ‘trial-period’. Cut time comes at the end of Dec. beginning of Jan., where
we choose the upcoming season’s team. Having an evaluation period for students is much more effective than having an application process- anyone can say anything on an application but can they be what it takes in real life? who agrees?


Posted by Dante.

Student on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 5/29/2000 11:30 PM MST

In Reply to: Team Member Applications posted by Justin Stiltner on 5/29/2000 12:05 AM MST:

: Does any team have their prespective members fill out an application?? Our small team has been swamped with requests to join the team next year and unfortunally we cannot accomidate everyone. If any other teams have an application I would gladly e- mail a pic of a DEW to you in return hehe lol. But serously it would serously help my team in drafting our own application.

: Justin Stiltner
: Team #388
: Epsilon
: Grundy, Va

Well Justin,
We basically do the samething Becky and her team does, but ours is kinda different in little ways. But what makes our team different is we have a FIRST club. This consists of people that want to be on our FIRST team. We will meet after school and do certain projects. Before the second semester comes around all the coaches will evaluate every student and see who will make the FIRST team. The catch is almost everybody makes it. I have one question, how many people do you have that want to be on your team?


Posted by Dante.

Student on team #47, Chief Delphi, from Pontiac Central High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 5/29/2000 11:30 PM MST

In Reply to: Team Member Applications posted by Justin Stiltner on 5/29/2000 12:05 AM MST:

: Does any team have their prespective members fill out an application?? Our small team has been swamped with requests to join the team next year and unfortunally we cannot accomidate everyone. If any other teams have an application I would gladly e- mail a pic of a DEW to you in return hehe lol. But serously it would serously help my team in drafting our own application.

: Justin Stiltner
: Team #388
: Epsilon
: Grundy, Va

Well Justin,
We basically do the samething Becky and her team does, but ours is kinda different in little ways. But what makes our team different is we have a FIRST club. This consists of people that want to be on our FIRST team. We will meet after school and do certain projects. Before the second semester comes around all the coaches will evaluate every student and see who will make the FIRST team. The catch is almost everybody makes it. I have one question, how many people do you have that want to be on your team?
