Team 3018 is looking for team names. Any suggestions would help trigger our own ideas. We are looking for a name some how connected to the idea of robotics.
What schools are you associated with? What are their mascots and what are your sponsors?
You could also try to connect it to something significant in your community
1902 used a random name generator =P
I suggest you look at all the teams’ names (hint: use so you don’t duplicate another team too closely. There are too many teams with “eagle” in the name, for example. It can get confusing.
And don’t forget the importance of team colors. My team picked two colors not associated with either one of our two rival schools.
Imploding Steak
Pretty much the opposite of Exploding Bacon. HAHA good one
I have heard that Exploding Bacon used a randomized generator to make theirs up, to great sucess actually! I would do this multiple times, then vote on the best of them. That or you could find something about your team that you all like, or is unique to your area or students.
Whatever they like, no matter how silly, go for it! If you look at many of the larger powerhouse teams, they have come up with creative, crafty, and sometimes silly names! The more unique your name is, the more unique and reconizable your team will become! We ran into the same problem three or four years back. We were previously 1086 Pirates, and because there were many local and national teams that had the exact same name… well you get the gist. We were not unique and could not create attention.
Our previous captains eventually decided to drop the Pirates name and go with a trend they had inadvertantly started. We had, for many years, drilled holes into our frames, for the sole purpose to save weight. Eventually one year someone said, “Hey! That robot looks like a piece of swiss!”… or something along those lines. We jumped on it pretty quickly, and also included one of our school colors. Blue Cheese.
Hope this helps,
If my team could change our name we might go with the CyberKips
(for all those who dont know its a deviation from Mudkips, a Pokemon)
If you guys like this go for it! it would be awesome to see this at a competition
Shaker’s been looking for a decent team name since rookie year. Bionic Bison never really stuck, and Terminal Velocity is pretty boring. I guess we’ll bring some salt shaker costumes to regionals next year and just stick with Shaker Robotics.
Look at names you remember in robotics. ThunderChickens is the one I always use. What’s memorable about it? How does the team adopt the moniker well?
Buzz’s name was influenced by our sponsor’s affiliation with space products in relation to Buzz Aldrin and the release of “Toy Story” with Buzz Lightyear.
The smiley face showed up when one of our robots had a suction cup. Someone chose to put a smiley on it.
We’ve been yellow ever since.
I used a random band name generator and these were some of the best in my opinion.
Hard Teamwork
Faded Simplicity (This is my favorite out of the list it just fits a FIRST team so well)
Static Speed
The Default
Professional Placebo
I have always liked names that poke fun at yourself, My VRC team (of one) is called Plan B, maybe you could go with “When all else fails”.
One of my friends was saying that there was a video game team called “Hey look you have go a bye” and apparently they have won a few matches only because people get confused and don’t show up.
My suggestion would be to try to get a name that can carry with it a consistent and memorable image. Exploding Bacon as a name really wouldn’t be that cool if it wasn’t accompanied by the pig on the rocket image, the Oink Oink Boom cheer, the squeeze pigs, the pins, etc etc etc.
I second all of the above posts about how to initially generate ideas, but when you consider all your choices choose a name and an image that can be consistent, instantly recognizable, and as original as possible
How about some computer related bugs and such?
Stack Overflow
Kernel Panic
Our school is home to the North Brunswick Raiders, so naturally, when our team started way back in the day, our coach chose to use that to name us Raider Robotix. Though I’m still not sure why we’re spelled with an ‘x’
It is true that Bacon used a random name generator to get their name. A little known fact is that the team originally voted on Organized Chaos. The following week and mentor showed up with the pig on the rocket logo and everyone voted to change the name. The rest is history!
Moo Moo Bang!
Dont name it Code Red Robotics. We dont need a third in the clan
Interesting fact: We were first!
I’d say don’t name your team the Robo Dogs, Robodogs, Robodawgs, or anything having to do with robots and dogs unless it’s exceedingly clever. I hope I don’t offend anyone from those teams that have named themselves such, but there are just so many!
List: 216, 288, 435, 545, 2085, 2171, 2221, 2560, 2579, 2917, 3174, 3214, 3307
How about the the COLD team?