Team Organizational Stucture


I’m a project management/organizational mentor for my 3rd year team, and realize we need to get in place a steering committee or board of directors, to support and direct the program.

I’m writing to ask if folks would share a little bit about how their teams are organizationally structured, and if you remember, how you made the transition from a teacher run program to a program that had a bigger structure.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Here’s a fantastic white paper regarding project management and team organization.
Good luck.

Try this too;

lots of info you can use from many teams

WC :cool:

Thanks to all.

boiler, I assume the white paper you refer to is the power point file.

Miner, I’m looking for overall team structure (oversight), though the info about mentor/student relationships plays into this, and I suppose ideally teams could function completely with student governance, but I suspect this ideal isn’t the reality for long-term sustainability. At this point we need to get the organizational structure in place, to get things like mentor training in place so the ideals can be pursued. Students would likely agree.

Wayne, the Rinos site is of course a great and vast resource.

Anyone who can share or point me to how your team (or others) are organized on the top end (Brd of Directors, Steering Committee, etc.) would be appreciated.

There is no better resource that I can think of than the FIRST NEMO site

If you look in the Resources section there is a section on team organization, as well as links to other team resources.

Thanks Cynette
Of course I should have though of NEMO first. :wink:
And I’ll ask on the NEMO list as well.

The TechnoKats have a structured organization in a way that you’re referring to. Our handbook is on our website at:

If you have other questions, PM me.

Thank you very much Amy.