Team Pronto [3070] Promo


We made a new video this last week to promote our program throughout the community. The video is somewhat complete. It is lacking proper interview audio at the end. (We just made up some stuff to say until we have better material.) :]

Pretty neat.

One suggestion though, and it’s a little nitpicky. There are only about 1500 active FIRST teams. Even at 50 members per team, that’s only around 75,000 people. Even if you add in all the support groups and volunteers, I suspect you don’t approach “millions”. Hundreds of thousands perhaps.

Correct. I did the math and I made the point that nowhere near a million people go to FIRST events every year. I was overruled and we decided to just say “millions”. But if you factor in how many people are involved with FIRST every year and how many people read about FIRST and even the people who spectate events but aren’t on any teams, I bet you could get close to one million. :smiley: