Team Role options


You may or may not have nocited, when you go to edit your profile, you can no longer type in your team role.

In the old forums, you could choose from 3 or 4, and that was never re-implemented.

I’m taking suggestions for additions to that list, just reply to this thread with any you have. They have to be something that more than 4 or 5 people would choose, and FIRST related, of course :slight_smile:

i think it should stay where people type it in…as long as they stay within reason, you know what i mean

or, you could do what i’m doing, at least for the moment…

just put ‘other’ for team role, and put your team role up under your name (assuming you’re special of course :p). sure, programmer and driver are both on the list, but not programmer/driver, and as of now, i know of two (me and dan), so it’s not fit to be an option yet. but, if some of the other programmers became drivers… :smiley:

shhh!!! don’t say something like that out loud…my programmer might here you and start getting independent, hehe

you should really make student/driver one, i think a lot of people would pick it

Bring back the customizable option, I liked being a Bot-Jock!!!

yea let us pick our own again it was cooler seeing differnt job/ what people did on their team me on the off season i became the Dormant Volcano and i wanna stay that way

how bout…webmaster/driver :slight_smile:

Remember, you can always add special things to your Custom User Text [once you hit a certain post count]

like what i siad above :stuck_out_tongue: why can’t people just pay attention to me the first time?

*Originally posted by Brandon Martus *
**Remember, you can always add special things to your Custom User Text [once you hit a certain post count] **

Must hit 150! :smiley:

that will take me a while