Hello, i’m just wondering what people think of this idea for a scouting system:
Our main goal is to drastically reduce the amount of paper used. We have one computer system with an MS Access database set up for use with a front end that allows data to be queried in any fashion desired. When a query is made before a match, we can print off a nifty little sheet that lists the teams and their qualities.
Now, that’s a good database, but not out-of-the-ordinary. However, the biggest part of paper-reduction in our system is actually how we collect the data. I designed (in z80 ASM) a TI-83+ application that has a user-friendly UI allowing any type of data that is desired to be input. For example, we decided a list of questions we want, so i made the application accept them and display them and their possible answers to the user. Once the scouter is done, he reports to us and dumps over the file containing the data. From there, we use a computer app i made that takes that data and adds it to a .csv file which is referenced by the DB. From there, our data is up-to-date and all the DB admin needs to do is hit F5 (refresh).
We successfully tested this system - and found it very useful - in Ypsilanti and we will make good use of it in Chicago and Nationals.
Thats a great idea but what if you used the data from the the ti-83 to work with an asp database so that all the teams could load they’re data from each regional into one big database of team stats then everyone will have all of the others teams information. or even setup a web app for people to fill out data for each team, so theres not as much running arround durring the regionals, the everyone will beable to shar data electronically rather than having everyone waste paper. I duno just an idea
Yea, we’ve considered that. We are going to try to have a system set up so that people can wirelessly connect to it and use it. The calculator scouting is actually for the roud-by-round scouting. We always scout pits, but only on Thursdays. However, we do assign students to watch specific teams and they are to keep track of them.
Thanks for your input.