Team SCREAM 4522 and Team SCREAM Jr 4766 | Build Blog 2025

Awesome job guys, this is by far the best intake design (that works for both game pieces) i’ve seen


This is great!


Great intake guys (and bot too!) definitely going to work on something inspired by it tomorrow. Just a question do you know how rigid the intake is when holding the coral.


The intake is relatively rigid when intaking the coral, we are currently using springs to hold it. In the video we also have 2.25" diamter compliance wheels, we found using a larger diameter of compliance wheel (3"-4") grips the coral much better, but impacts the algae grab negatively. This is the first test, we are going to improve the design to grip the coral stronger most likely with stronger springs.


This rips. Following closely! We’re discussing adopting it for 7525.


With this style claw have you all thought about or tested how you will score coral on lvl 1?


This is still in early stages of testing, but we were planning on shooting it straight into the trough and seeing how it reacted. We may need to make future adjustments based on how scoring it that way works.


Two questions: What kind of algae do you guys have? Also, what is the current compression on the algae?


We have both types of algae and the compression on the algae is 6 in.


Insane manipulator! We’ve been exploring different ways to design a contracting intake for our robot, and you said yours uses springs. Our constant force springs have partially blocked or inhibited the intake of game pieces. How did you decide on the optimal placement of the springs to not interfere with the game pieces?


We are working on revising this manipulator. Here is a quick video of the updates. We added some gas shocks to apply force closer to the end of the gripper. This seemed to work better than than springs/surgical tubing we were using earlier. Our biggest goals for this manipulator are to touch it/own it and be able to rotate quickly on our elevator for scoring.

Lots of testing to do still. One big concern is how quickly we can align with this narrow manipulator at the coral station.



Very nice idea to add the gas shocks.

I will just like to ask, if you did any test to see if it can keep the coral right in its place without falling or slipping out with any intense movement?


Wow, this is genius…do you know when you’ll have a rough geometrical/3d cad. I would love to reference the compressions

Thanks in advance

Very interesting design! I’m curious how it handles horizontally. Keep up the great work!

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The current iteration holds the coral very securely. It is strong enough to swing it around in the robot and would be close to competition ready.

The algae holding power still needs work. We need to optimize the geometry.

Our biggest concerns with this design are:
Holding power for algae
Narrow alignment at coral station

The Ninjineers have a really cool one too!


How was the overall grip on the algae? Do you feel like it would fall out if the unit was being shaken around, or say a large impact from robot collision?


As is, the current design would drop the algae unless the motors are running. We may be able to stall the motors and hold on tight. We will be working on that this week to be able to touch it, own it.


This helped us a lot, thank you! Gas shocks seem easier and more consistent than constant force springs.

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The gas shock design looks great! Do you have a rough weight for the end effector, minus the arm? Looking at designing a similar system with heavy draw weight extension springs.

Was also curious if you tested with 3" compression wheels at all? Not sure if the added squish of the wheel would give more surface area and therefore grip on the coral and algae.

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