[Administrative Manual](http://frc-manual.usfirst.org/Updates/0#term 152):
Administrative Manual
6.10 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARD sponsored by Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers6.10.2 Guidelines
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: Please detail how the team is structured to 1) Raise funds; 2) Ensure funds are properly spent; 3) Find and engage sponsors; 4) Recruit team members/mentors for current & future seasons; 5) Ensure FIRST principles remain core to the team’s efforts. Uploading an image of your team organizational chart below, will also satisfy this requirement.
(1600 characters allowed, including spaces and punctuation. Graphic image allowed** in addition to or as an alternative to text **- upload 5” x 4” 100 dpi resolution images that end in .JPG or .GIF)
…FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Please include information on team finances (include financial statement detailing income and expenditures). Uploading an image of your team financial plan below, will also satisfy this requirement.
(1600 characters allowed, including spaces and punctuation. Graphic image allowed** in addition to or as an alternative to text**- upload 5” x 4” 100 dpi resolution images that end in .JPG or .GIF)
[Game Manual](http://frc-manual.usfirst.org/Updates/0#term 153):
Game Manual
Section 2.2.4: VISION TARGETS
The retro-reflective material on the dynamic VISION TARGET is nominally 3¾ in. from the FIELD-side surface of the ALLIANCE WALL polycarbonate sheet above the LOW GOAL.Section 3.2.3: General Rules
G12An ALLIANCE may not POSSESS their opponent’s BALLS. The following criteria define POSSESSION:
“carrying” (moving while supporting BALLS in or on the ROBOT),
“herding” (repeated pushing or bumping),
“launching” (impelling BALLS to a desired location or direction via a MECHANISM in motion relative to the ROBOT),
“trapping” (overt isolation or holding one or more BALLS against a FIELD element or ROBOT in an attempt to shield them).Violation: TECHNICAL FOUL per instance. If extended, another TECHNICAL FOUL. If strategic, RED CARD for the ALLIANCE.
Section 4.6: BUMPER Rules
R26In Team Update 2014-01-14:
BUMPERS must be supported by the structure/frame of the ROBOT (see Figure 4-10). To be considered supported, a minimum of ½ in. at each end of the BUMPER must be backed by the FRAME PERIMETER. Additionally, any gap between the backing material and the frame
- must not be greater than ¼ in. deep or
- the BUMPER must be backed by the FRAME PERIMETER at least every 8 in wide.
In Manual:
BUMPERS must be supported by the structure/frame of the ROBOT (see Figure 4-10). To be considered supported, a minimum of ½ in. at each end of the BUMPER must be backed by the FRAME PERIMETER. Additionally, any gap between the backing material and the frame
- must not be greater than ¼ in. deep, and (change to “or” per last TU)
- not more than
8 in. wide.
Section 5.1: Overview
**In the event where order placement of ROBOTS matters to either or both ALLIANCES, the ALLIANCE must notify the Head Referee during setup for that MATCH. Upon notification, the Head Referee will require ALLIANCES to place their ROBOTS per the following protocol:Qualification MATCHES
Blue GOALIE (if in use)
Red GOALIE (if in use)
Blue ROBOTS in the White ZONE
Red ROBOTS in the White ZONEElimination MATCHES
Lower seed GOALIE (if in use)
Higher seed GOALIE (if in use)
Lower seed ROBOTS in the White ZONE
Higher seed ROBOTS in the White ZONE**Section 6: Glossary
POSSESS: (for a ROBOT) to carry (move while supporting BALLS in or on the ROBOT), herd (repeated pushing or bumping), launch (impel BALLS to a desired location or direction via a MECHANISM in motion relative to the ROBOT), or trap (overt isolation or holding one or more BALLS against a FIELD element or ROBOT in an attempt to shield them) a BALL.