Team Update #2 Posted

This one’s gonna lower everyone’s blood pressure a bit, I think.

In this update:

-Awards revised–there was a draft originally posted.
-Clarifications on scoring for opponents and what happens when game pieces fall on your robot
-Drastic revisions to material utilization rules–read this for the full effect.
-A declaration once and for all that the 2006 kit transmission is, in fact, illegal (thank you, GDC!)

This is directly copied out of the update.

COTS ITEMS that are generally available may be used on the ROBOT. COTS ITEMS from ROBOTS entered in previous FIRST competitions or COTS ITEMS that are no longer commercially available may be used under the following conditions:

          The item must be unmodified, and still in its original condition as delivered from the VENDOR
          **The item must not be a part custom made for the FIRST competition and provided in a previous FRC Kit Of Parts (e.g. 2006 FRC transmissions, custom-made motor couplers, custom sensor strips, IFI CMUcam II modules, etc. are not permitted)**
           The item must satisfy ALL of the rules associated with materials/parts use for the

2007 FIRST Robotics Competition
I added the bold. Since the 2006 KOP gear box was in the 2006 KOP, wouldn’t it fall under the not allowed list?

Yes. :slight_smile:

Ahh. I should sleep more. I read that as legal. Sorry everyone.

Does this cover Kit-Bot frame parts from previous years? I would assume it does.