Team Update 2012-02-24

Woodie Flowers Award

Each year, students may submit an essay nominating one mentor from their team to be considered for this award. FIRST will recognize one adult mentor at each regional to receive the WFFA. If a team already has a mentor who has received the WFFA in a prior year, then that team may re-submit that mentor in the current year

in addition to

[strike]instead[/strike] of nominating a mentor for the WFFA if they wish. The current year WFFA recipients, along with those mentors who received a WFFA in a prior year, and have been re-nominated, will be judged to receive the WFA at the FRC Championship.

GAME - Team UPDATE - 2012-02-24
General Announcements

This will be the final scheduled Friday Team Update for 2012.
Eligibility and Inspection

Rev A of the Bill of Materials Template is now available under Section 5 - The Tournament on the Competition Manual section of the FIRST Website.

Goodbye Friday Team Updates.

So does that mean a team can submit 2 mentors for the WFA as long as one of them has already won it? If that is the case then, a team could submit them to 2 different regionals and could possibly have 2 WFA winners in the same year.

Guess we will have to wait until Alamo to find out if the 118 hang is legal.

You mean balance :wink:

I thought once you won at the regional level, if you resubmit that mentor in a future year they are only considered at Championships for WFA.

That would suggest that the previous winner bypasses the regional level and goes straight to the Championship level judging and the new entry gets judged at the regional level.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s just clarifying the fact that you may resubmit a WFA submission at Championships for a mentor that has already won WFFA in addition to your WFFA submission for the year. It was already possible (at least our kids told us they got both in :P) it just looks like it was misworded in the rulebook until now.

Am I crazy, or is there absolutely no difference between this BOM template and the original? They look identical…IIRC I read somewhere the change had to do with KOP stuff…but this looks the same…

No, your not seeing the difference between WFFA (Woodie Flowers Finalist Award) and WFA (Woodie Flowers Award). The WFFA is what is given out at Regional while the WFA is the Championship level. Basically if you have a previous WFFA winner you can submit them for Championship and submit someone for the WFFA at a Regional. This way if your current year submission wins you can have 2 mentors eligible in one year for the National level.

At least this is the way I thought it was, someone correct me if I am wrong.

Does the previous years’ WFFA still have to be a mentor on your team? It specifies for the current year, obviously, but it doesn’t for the previous winner. It also doesn’t seem to say when that previous winner’s submission date is either.