Update #3 has been posted … no dramatic changes I can see.
Update #3 has been posted … no dramatic changes I can see.
Devices used solely for the purpose of planning or tracking strategy of game play are
allowed inside the ALLIANCE ZONE, if they meet ALL of the following conditions:
Do not connect or attach to the OPERATOR CONSOLE
Do not connect or attach to the FIELD or ARENA
Do not connect or attach to another alliance member
Do not communicate with anything or anyone outside of the ALLIANCE ZONE (for
example wireless communications must be disabled).
Do not in any way affect the outcome of a MATCH, other than by allowing team
members to plan or track strategy for the purposes of communication of that
strategy to other alliance members.
I guess that okays the use of whiteboards/tablets/palm pilots/etc to keep score?
According to the rules, yes, as long as you talk to only those in the alliance station (aka, don’t hold up your board and communicate with those in the stand).
Overall, I think allowing Palms and such in the alliance zone is a bad move and will cause more headaches than it’s worth, but that’s my own $0.02.
Or your own miniature model of the rack…
That’d be interesting… maybe using lifesavers for ringers, although I don’t think we’re allowed to bring edible objects onto the field.
The way I see it, this now allows for brining laptops out on the field, if their wireless connection is disabled. A laptop doesn’t connect to the OI, field, r another member, would not have wireless communication, and doesn’t affect the outcome apart of strategy. Sweet!
but i think you would have to hold it in one hand:eek: because it says it can’t touch the “field” so i guess it depends on your definition of field. I would count the driver station as part of the field. and using a laptop with one hand is no fun.
my opinion: tablet for the win!
I agree that a tablet is the best option for keeping track of real time scores. However, I think that having a tablet is amazingly expensive, and most teams will have to settle for some sort of paper-based solution instead.
Or place your Laptop on the ground and use a USB tablet, mine was a nice 6x8 and only cost 50 bucks on newegg
For those with racks assembled… can you actually see to the other side of the rack, from the driver station position, to know what legs have been scored on? Are you assuming the opposite end of the rack will be scored on before the one directly in front of you? If an opposing team were to do a counter move on the less visible side of the rack, while the rack was reasonably full, with innertubes, are you able to tell?
this is true but an older tablet that is in the range of a 600mhz pIII fairly cheap on eBay ect.
or make some pocket pc/palm software for scoring
My 0.02$ would advise against this, especially in finals. Wins can bring about excitement and jumping up and down, severe risk of injury to the laptop. Plus having a cord to something on the ground isnt exactly safe. Someone could trip.:ahh:
thats true… But I just got an amazing idea, get/make those things that the snack guys carry all the snacks in at baseball games, hang it around your neck and put your laptop on it.
In the heat of a match, to look away from the field could prove disorienting and costly… especially when you have to reframe your brain to fiddle with graphic screens, touchpads, or keyboards… you may forget what you are doing, or miss some important event on the field. I’d say find a better way.
A friend of mine tried to do that so he could have his laptop when he walked around outside and went places. It didnt turn out to well and he constantly had to look up and see he didnt run into things. But that wount be an issue for this case.
Board and marker or paper and pad.
That is crazy talk
One of the members on our team already made a palmpilot app. for scoring calculations, and all he needs to do is press two buttons to place a tube on the virtual rack. The program even tells the score of each alliance, and he is working on a ‘Next best Move’ algorithm… Which is MUCH easier than a pencil and paper or dry-erase board. There is absolutely no reason to use Paper/Board when you have access to a palm-pilot, Its only purpose is to detract from the usefulness of your coach.
would there be a way to get a wired connection to the feed on the big screen on a laptop?
that could possibl seeing the other side of the rack
No, just look up.
It can prove to be an advantage sometimes, but most regionals that have big screens have multiple cameras/ camera angles so it will be very ineffective. But it could help.
I say if you MUST keep track use a board and marker or a pad and paper like bharat said, otherwise, i think your coach should be plenty capable of devising your “next best move” in his/her head.