I have a question:
The random links to other team’s sites are great, but is there a way for me to get a list of them? A list would help out if a team was looking for information, or were looking for the site of a specific team.
Does such a list exist? I think one would be neat. Other than that, i don’t think CD needs anything else, excellent job, #47!
If you go to the ‘members’ link up at the top
then click ‘team list’
you will get a list of teams
and then theres a ‘www’ button on each row.
if a team has a website in our database, it will show up there… if not, there wont be a ‘www’ button.
the random link box pulls urls from that list.
hope that helps.
Can’t you find all the team websites on the USFirst.org website? That’s where I went when I was looking up all the team names to put on the spirit bags.
Once upon a time, yes I populated this database with that info on usfirst.org
But now, there have been so many more teams and the URL’s have changed, Im sure my data is outdated.
I now rely on the team members to go ‘Hey, thats not my website’ or ‘Hey, heres my website’ and then I change them one-by-one. (until one day I get motivated and re-check FIRST’s website)