**–=======Team4256 - Cyborg Cats ========–
…Location : Saint Louis Regional… **
**2013 This is our second year for FRC. We are having a great time working together. We also trying to create a partnership with other team internationally and in USA. Feel free to email us. (We have a lot of free opportunities) :)::ouch:: **
We would like to know what do you think about our new website : http://www.cyborgcats.com ::rtm::
Your website does look really good, I do like your color scheme as it seems very FIRST friendly
Well for one, you guys should focus on updating your pages with new material and start compiling some things such as your resource page and your team history, and for history, even if it is just information from last year, people would love to hear about your guy’s accomplishments.
When I first look at your homepage, I see a lot of blank space for either more material that could be put there or space that can be shortened to make the page look more professional and give more information at a glance.
The same goes for your header, I would maybe enlarge that a little bit so your text for your team name doesn’t get cut off and the header can look more concentrated. As well as some of your pictures and visual media that you have on your site could be centered a bit so that it looks more organized and visually appealing.
Its really good! but every thing can be improved on…when i open the page, there is not much on the opening fold; the header is a little too big. Remember that this is the first thing anybody sees when they come to the website so there should be some information that businesses and potential sponsors will see. But its really easy on the eyes, love the tabs. keep up the work and it will be top notch!
You have laid a good foundation with the content management system you are using. The menu load a little slow, but that is ok. The more greater difficulty in critiquing or giving advice for your website is that almost every secondary page is still under construction.
Once you get more work done, let me know. I would be glad to give a more in depth evaulation at that time. I serve as the head business mentor for ILITE (1885) and serve as the CEO of a marketing and web design company.
As for the partnership. ILITE has existed for 8 years now, and would be glad to answer any questions you may have. Obviously we will not be attending the St. Louis regional so it may be difficult in that sense, but we are always interested in helping any team in any way we can, whether a local DC area team or a team from across the US or globe.