Team578 Teaser #3

Sorry for bad camera quality.

blue roughtop tread?

Tank tread robot?

Wheels? I’m thinking rough tread.

I’m thinking we won’t be the only tank treaded robot at FLR this year.

If my guess is correct, I would like to extend a challenge to you. A pushing contest, on the practice field, Thursday, FLR.

That looks oddly familiar…](

We love this stuff. Great material and seems to work better than roughtop tread for our unicorn pivots. (Plus, now they match our team color!) I’m thinking tank tread in your case, though. Too bad we won’t be at FLR this year.

Hahaha, whether we are or are not using tank treads during the competition, we’d always be up for driving contests, but I know how sturdy you guys build your drive trains for pushing. You’d probably have us beat there!

Haha 639 ,

Our 2010 robot had tank tread made out of radiator tubing.

you could have a pushing match with our 2010 bot, if it were still alive. RIP Uncle Ralph

We were about to take apart our 2010 bot (The Commander) but then realized we need something to practice with. We re-wired it with an IFI control system and it is sitting in our closet with a slew of Victors lashed on with zip ties. Our resurrected robot vs your ghost one?

Lol our 2010 robot is taken apart sorry…

The wheel is clear plastic too. Looks like lexan.

Looks like a homemade Plaction. What’s the tread made out of?

I believe it is Blue Nitrile Conveyor Belting which is available from Granger or some other suppliers.

Looks like a shooter wheel to me.


Teaser 4 or robot will be next.

no going right to teaser 5? :stuck_out_tongue: