Teams Qualifying for MSC

Does anyone know how many teams qualify for states on rank? I know that Chairman’s and Rookie All-Star auto-qualify, so does the other 45 teams go on rank?

From the Michigan Rules Supplement

State Championship: Qualifying and Registering to Compete
Sixty four (64) teams will qualify for the State Championship:
-The District Chairman’s Award Winner from each district event will automatically qualify for a spot.
-The balance of the 64 State Championship spots will be filled by the top teams in ranked order based on their total points following the close of the district event season.

The final ranking list will be posted on the FIRST in Michigan website no later than 9:00 A.M. on the Sunday morning following the Week 5 events. All eligible teams, whether they plan to attend or not, are required to go to TIMS no later than noon on Monday following the Week 5 events, and either register for the State Championship, or decline.

If any of the eligible teams are unable to attend, choose not to attend, or do not respond by Monday at noon, the next team in ranked order will be eligible to take their place.

64 teams go to the State Championship. Not even the Rookie All Stars qualify; only the Chairmans Award winners auto-qualify.

Michigan rule supplement:

State rankings:

thank you

Hmm, in a hypothetical year when no rookies qualify for MSC, who gets the MSC Rookie All Star?

Teams that receive the Rookie All Star award at the District level are invited to compete for the MSC Rookie All Star award (judged independently of whether or not they compete in the robot portion of MSC).

Since FRC 4003 has 100 points and FRC 4294 has 69 points (currently 8th and 29th overall, respectively, after Week 4) it would appear that 2012 is not that hypothetical year.

I like seeing rookies compete well. Hopefully there will be a few more at MSC this year – I recall there were at least four last year.

EDIT: just checked, there were actually eight rookie teams at MSC last year. One of them, 3539, played in the Eliminations. They were the captain of the 2011 winning alliance at Waterford.