Teams Using the Kit Frame - What Size Are You Building?

Seems like each the standard frame sizes, long, wide, and square have advantages and disadvantages.

The wide configuration only gives a few inches for permanently mounted exterior elements in the direction of travel. So it seems they would need to be added on the field.

The long configuration has more room for external elements but seems like it could be unwieldy in the tight confines of the field.

The square configuration seems to be good balance between mobility and attaching elements but there are more cuts and belts to be ordered.

Any thoughts?

Any other considerations - will any of the standard frames be able to drive over the scoring platform?

I haven’t looked at it in detail yet this year, but last year we made a square chassis with the kit parts, no extra belts were needed. The center wheels are not in the center of the robot. but that’s not a problem. You just need to make sure to only cut off one end of the frame rails, not both ends.

Another option which can be considered due to the lack of a frame perimeter restriction this year is using the width of the square chasis with the length of the long chasis.

that’s my first impression…make it a 'jumbo square"