Teaser: does your robot's control system look like this?

For the second year in a row, Team 2423 has won the Innovation in Control award at the Boston Regional. The 2013 award was given primarily based on the dashboard control system on our driver station laptop, which is a touchscreen ultrabook running Windows 8.

This dashboard program (and our robot code) is written entirely in python, and in addition to the visual eye candy and status indicators (including an animated robot drawing), it contains accurate image processing code (using OpenCV) that directs our robot to shoot at targets that the operator touches on the screen (the screenshot contains an image taken during a competition match).

Every year, Team 2423 posts all their source code for others to use, and I’ll be posting the full source code for this in the near future so you can play with it yourself. Still need to add a writeup and some documentation notes. :slight_smile:

This is one of those times I feel like I should have spent a lot more time creating something like this. The detail and simplicity in that dashboard is phenomenal. Great work. I can’t wait to take a look at the source.

My eyes popped when I saw that screenshot. I also lost control of my jaw.

As promised, here’s the full working source code for the robot control interface. A list of features and the source code can be found on my website.

We also have a lot of test images available from the Boston Regional, if you’re interested I can make a selection of them available for download.