Tech Books on Your bookshelf?

I just picked up the Pocket Ref after watching last weeks MythBusters. I’m pretty overwhelmed by it, 768 pages of pure info, From electronic formulas, to metal strength, to a list of major US airports, to First Aid Info… It got a permanent place in my bookbag :slight_smile:

Also i picked up Robot Builder’s Soucebook. Its kinda like a yellow pages for robot stuff. Should be a great resource for personal robot projects or even FIRST robots.

Finally, another book thats been a fav of mine is Hacking the Xbox.
Its a great read if you were ever interested in how the whole reverse engineering process works. Not only is a great book for the reverse engineering parts, but the Xbox reference section was a great help when i started to poke around my own Xbox.

Now i have alot more tech books, but i want to hear what books you guys like! I’m always looking for better books to add to my collection :smiley:

Practical Guide to C Programming by Steve Oualline…it is a nice book and aimlessly thumbing through it gives me a hopeful feeling that I can fix what I just broke

Physical shelf:
Perl in a nutshell
VB and VBA in a nutshell
The C programming language
Learning PHP
Learning Java
Learning Cocoa with Objective C
Building Cocoa Applications
Cocoa Programming for Objective C
HTML: The complete reference

On my safari bookshelf:
Advanced perl programming
Programming perl

and then some VB/directx books that i don’t remember.


Teach Yourself Java
Learn Shell Programming in 24 Hours
Idiot’s Guide to UNIX
Idiot’s Guide to Mac OS

Got a bunch more laying around my house somewhere… underneath the piles of old hard drives, modems, sound cards, 486 CPUs, etc…

The Pocket Reference is one of the best, I keep it handy. Another great book is the ARRL Radio Amatuer’s Handbook. This is book receives a going over every year and has some of the best all round useful data for electrical designs, electronics, operating, etc. It is also a great source for reverse engineering.

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Arrhythmia Recognition, Pharmacology, Cambells Biology. :cool:


Lets see what tech books are on my shelf. From here i can see “Seizing the Airwaves (A Guide to MicroRadio)” “Webmaster in a Nutshell” “Pocket Reference” i can see the Forest Mimms book the one on IC’s, several random electronics reference books, some old text books and 1950’s and 60’s reference books. There are several computer reference books, I have a manual for a Commador VIC and Commador 64, as well as a manual for a TRS-80. And another book of great importance to me on the shelf is a newer one, its a guide to starting a revolution, and one the of the most amazing books i’ve read in a long time “Days of War, and Nights of Love” great books.