Technician penalties at SBPLI Regional 1

At the SBPLI regional today, there were 3 or 4 yellow cards given out for teams having technicians enter the driver stations during the match, and a yellow card for a team receiving signals from the technician during the match.
I found it very strange, and I don’t recall ever seeing this penalty called so often.
Has this been happening at other regionals? Is it just that teams are out of practice and don’t know/remember the rules?

I haven’t seen it been called at all this season, but If the technicians are signaling or entering the alliance area, that’s illegal and they should be carded.

I make sure my drive team members are very, very clear on what they can and cannot do during a match.


Let’s just say that was a focus in that event, likely. Human players often get away with a lot since robots take away attention , perhaps that event started focusing on that rule as teams were known to play that way. IMO

When I watch games I see a lot of flags missed, however that is from my watching video. Just imagine is ALL fouls were called perfectly… might change a lot of final scores. Again IMO

Its like speeding, we all speed sometimes you get caught. So just remember all you got away with.

Human players and technicians are two different things.

There is no rule against human player signaling.

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Unless they use electronic means from the rules, might simply be a bad call. Question box time

Nobody said anything about human players or using electronic signaling. The post was about technicians exiting the technician area and signaling to drive team, which are not legal per H502 and H107 respectively.


Didn’t see any more today, so I guess everyone made sure their technicians learned from yesterday.

Yeah, this was definitely more in regard to technicians. Found it interesting that there were so many instances of the penalties, especially since I haven’t seen them in my 6 years of FRC experience.

I haven’t really noticed any human players doing much, and my team’s human player even got penalized for accidentally putting the cargo over the terminal instead of through it during teleop. As for missed calls, they’re bound to happen, since refs are human. If every penalty was called, there’d probably be 20+ points going to each alliance every match. Some rules are over-called (G20 in 2019), and some barely ever get called.

This thread was more for what seemed to be a surge in calls for a few specific rules. I wanted to see if this was something FIRST as a whole was cracking down on or if it was just an anomaly at this regional.

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