Tee Shirts

I’m just a newbie, and I went to my first scrimmage today. I was impressed with some of the Tee- shirt designs. I was just wondering what the coolest tee shirt that you have seen is. Please only shirts for FIRST teams!!!

Ours, of course. Blue shirts with the Team 1294 Top Gun logo in red and white (see my avatar), matched with gold ball caps with the Top Gun Logo in blue and white.

(By the way, the Top Gun logo is trademarked by the Navy. I called and asked for permission to use it for our team, and received official Governmental Permission to use the logo. If you want something, it never hurts to ask.)

I have to go with my home team.
The words robotics in gears and switches and such.

Well, the good word has to be put in for 25’s Hawaiian shirts, even if they aren’t T-shirts in the proper sense.

That said, I liked SPAM’s wordsearch shirt from last year. To the point that I traded for one. :wink: I also recall 1002’s bling shirts, and 1083’s retro shirts. (Would retro in FIRST involve lots of corn jokes?)

We’ll see which ones get the big trades this season.


Don’t know if you guys remember this from NJ or Championship in Atlanta last year, but here is Team 1676’s shirt. I still like it the best. :smiley:

honestly i think our shirts/hoodies from this year are the nicest ive seen in a while
heres me modeling our shirt and hoodie using my newly patented modeling look “blue aluminum”

Shouldn’t this be in Chit-Chat?

Personally I LOVE Wildstang’s Tie-Dye shirts!! :slight_smile:

Thats pretty cool that you have Government permission to use that :slight_smile:

As for cool shirts, I’d probably have to go with Wildstangs shirts.

65 Huskie Brigade and 111 Wildstang are some of my favorites. Also the 1114 polos are nice.

I’m a big fan of my teams shirts from last year

{shame I wasn’t on the team so I don’t have one, but I’m talking to the mentors, and trying to get this years run of the shirts and last years since theres a couple people out there that want one ::cough::Barry =] ::cough::}

But since I was in charge of designing this years shirt, we have another good slogan for the back, and a re-draw logo for this year. I’ll update once we get a picture.

And incase you can’t really see the picture, it says “I like big botts…”



We’re rookies too, but we think our tee is pretty cool. Have a look!



Techinically, it’s not a shirt, but I still love 114’s lab coats the best!

Honestly, yeah, it should. It really doesn’t matter.

My team doesn’t have teeshirts we get elaborate team uniforms like last years uniform was a jumpsuit with a sweatr underneth ith our logo’s all around and this year well, i guess its a surprise (my team i being quite discreet about it).