It’s my understanding that teleopContinuous() runs as often as possible while teleopPeriodic() is called approximately once every 20ms.
Our robot extends IterativeRobot and overrides teleopPeriodic(), which seems to be working. Our teleopContinuous() doesn’t seem to be getting called, and I also noticed it doesn’t seem to be declared in either IterativeRobot or RobotBase.
What am I missing here?
Thanks very much for any help clearing up this mystery!
We found that teams were using the continuous functions with compute-bound code that would swamp the cRIO. It even caused problems with at least two of the Einstein teams from last year.
So we took it out. If a team really needs the continuous functions, then they can start a thread running in the teleopInit() or autonomousInit() methods that will do the continuous running loop.