Not FIRST related in any way, but something that this crowd might enjoy. Check it out, these people somehow made a Tesla coil resonate at just the right frequencies to make it sound like music. Verrry cool.
Unlike so much else on the internet, I don’t think this is fake. If you Google “duckon telsa” you’ll find a lot of other people’s personal vids of it and people who were there, things like “What’s not immediately obvious in this video is how loud this is. Many people were covering their ears, dogs were barking.”
shrug at least, I really hope it’s not fake lol
Edit: Here’s some more information for the general layman, and here’s some technical info from the guy that made it
you want a transformer and like 15 pounds of wire? I have no use for it any more. I started a project a little while back and never had time to finish it and have no use for these items any more.