I know I’m a few months late on this, but oh well . . .
I’m currently in a college AutoCAD course, and for my final project, I decided to model and animate my old high school team’s FIRST robot in Inventer and VIZ. Because, honestly, what better thing is there to animate?
I did a search of this forum, and it appears that a team had hosted a file of a model of a Tetra in Inventer. None of the links I find seem to work . . .
Seeing as how I’m modeling our bot, modeling a tetra would be somewhat overkill on the modeling aspect of the project. There was a link somewhere on this forum to the site of the company that sold the clovers for making the tetras and goals. There were STPs (Solidworks files, easily converted to an .ipt with Inventor) for the two types of goals, but I didn’t see one for the small Tetra.
If anyone has a link to a model, or could even send me one, I’d greatly appreciate it. Just to save time, my email is [email protected]
Thanks in advance!
I think I saw someone attempt it at the beginning of the season… But I’m not sure what format it was in…
I think I attempted to make one as well, but was discouraged by the clovers shape after forming the tetra and left it on the back burner.
I should see if still have it and see what I can do with it.
I know that wasn’t much help, but keep looking, or just make one yourself.
In the meantime, I’ll look as well. I like having CAD models of old game parts for quick reference.
Post something if you find anything, as will I.
I was emailed a model by Team #103. I haven’t had a chance to get to the CAD lab and open it up, but I can’t imagine there being anything wrong with it.
If you’d like, I can relay it to you, Elgin.
I’d first like to publically thank Team #103 for their Tetra model. Worked perfectly.
I was planning on posting my final video clip (it’s only 8 seconds long, 370KB) but .avi’s can’t be attached to posts and I currently can’t .zip it . . .
If I can figure out a way to get it on the internet, I’ll let everyone know. I’m proud of it, all things considered. I mean, I’ve seen MUCH better animations by other teams, but that’s to be expected. This was pretty much a first try, more of a test of a few things than anything else.
I have a free (re: kinda slow) file sharing site at multiply.com ( http://podquard.multiply.com/ ) if you want to send it to me and I can host it for the time being.
While you’re at it, can you send me the tetra model as well, in maybe .stp format?
PM me, and let me know, and I’ll give you my e-mail address…