Textbook to learn C++

Hello i was wondering if anyone could help me pick out a book for programming in C++. My team isn’t sure if we are using C++ or Labview so i was hopping to learn C++. I really appreciate an help you could give me.

What kind of knowledge is it ok for the book to assume? Do you need to learn to program, or just learn C++?

I know a little about programming but getting a refresher is always a good idea so i guess i need to learn programming.

All kinds of books there.

Thanks you i really appreciate all the help.

I don’t have the book, but I’d at least look at the Stroustrup book. He wrote it specifically to teach the A&M freshman course and from conversations, I personally like how he approaches languages.

Greg McKaskle

Hey, for a free C++ training visit Firstplusplus.com . Our team put this page up and it goes through step by step on how to do a full program in C++ for an NXT which is very similar. We also have posted our full robots code (all 1000+ lines as i hear) as a sample; this include a mapping system using a gyro and an accelerometer , traction control, State machines, and more.