Textric Modifications.

We were trying to figure out, and we haven’t managed to find it in the rules. Is it Illegal to manually modify your bought textric components?
Most of our team members are part of a Vo Tech School, and we have access to machine shops, and for the most part our robots main parts have been fabricated in shop. What were trying to figure out is are we allowed to modify those Minibot parts.

–Jeff .E. K.–

Yes, Tetrix parts can be modified (though not motors).

You can also modify the gearboxes on the motors. But not the motors themselves.

The batteries cannot be modified either, so unfortunately you cannot distribute the cells around the minibot.

The answer here is simply that there is no rule that prevents you making modifications to FTC mechanical parts. The exceptions to robot rules do prevent you from making modifications to electronics and motors except for mounting holes as referenced in the rules.