Team 4909 is excited to announce the release of The Green Alliance (TGA), a scouting initiative led by FRC Teams 4909, 3467, 2370, 811, and 58. The Green Alliance Scouting Platform has been designed from the ground up to enable teams to share data beyond any event, district, or region. This influx of data is especially beneficial to teams at higher levels of play as they have more data to reference in strategic decisions and picking alliance partners. TGA consists of a cross-platform application and a community of FIRSTers willing to gather scouting data for the collective.
TGA’s biggest aim is to enable collection of more scouting data from more events via a collaboration between teams at events. Collected data will be accessible to all teams involved via a secure website. Currently, we have over a dozen teams throughout the New England District committed to collect data from almost all of our district events. The Green Alliance is actively seeking new teams to join our mission to help consolidate scouting data, on a global scale.
Beyond collecting more data, TGA also helps distribute the scouting workload. Each event being scouted will have a designated “sponsor team” responsible for providing a set of six tablets for all teams involved to use at the event under the sponsor team’s supervision. Sponsor teams will have had additional exposure to the configuration and usage of the app, and will be able to assist scouts and troubleshoot issues arising during the event. This works out well especially for teams with less funds or members as they need only provide a few scouts in exchange for all the data collected.
We will be hosting discussions on our Slack group throughout the build and competition season to confer about the interface and event logistics.
If your team would like to join The Green Alliance initiative, please reach out to us at [email protected].