I just want to say Thank You" to 2354 and 418 for their great performance working with us last weekend at the Dallas regional. You guys were both awesome!
I was told by Paul Copioli that the key to this game is an alliance that works well together. I thought our three teams were VERY effective, and much greater than the sum of their parts. Everyone did their job, and we managed to get through a very stressful elimination tournament.
It was a pleasure. We’ll be seeing both of you down the road soon.
PS - Max (the HP from 418), I apologize for my (perhaps overly) excited coaching. This game brings out the worst in me. You sir, are a rock star.
I can’t thank these two teams enough. 2354 and 418’s drive teams were great to work with. Literally five minutes before the alliance selection, 148 decided to take a gamble and play out the draft to choose our own partners. I couldn’t have hoped for a better working alliance. I look forward to seeing 418 in Houston, and 2354 in Atlanta!
The pleasure is most definitely ours.
A big thank you to both 148 and 2354 for being great alliance partners; it was a lot of fun to work with you guys and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. (Talk about a nerve-wracking finish to Finals matches 2 and 3 though…:ahh: )
We’ll be seeing you at LSR and at the Championships!
Hey guys I found the videos of the DALLAS Regional. Hope all enjoy watching as much as i did being there live. Ohh by the way I’m still trying to get my voice back. I send my apologies to all that i yelled in there ears during the finals, Losing my voice was well worth the WIN!
I personnaly want to THANK, JOHN V., BRANDON, JOHN H., RICKY, CORY, MONTY, KEVIN, STEVE, and CHRIS, For allowing me the opportunity to help, learn, and teach the student of Greenville High School. And cant forget the Support of Tony and Bob for letting us invade their space.
In this type of competition not only do the students learn, but many mentors, engineers, and parents get lessons in life.
And to the team of 148, mainly the students, THANK YOU!!!
i have to say when team 1742 was teamed up with 148. john does like to get alittle excited. before the match i was told to load up their robot when it came to me during auto. but the trailer in front of me was a dead robot. he came over yelling to score. it was funny afterwards but it scared the crap out of me cause he waited till he was right next to me to yell. Congats to team 148. See yall in Atlanta