THANK YOU team #246

Posted by Anton Abaya.

Coach on team #419, Rambots, from UMass Boston / BC High and NASA, Mathsoft, Solidworks.

Posted on 4/17/2000 5:05 PM MST

Thanks to team #246 from John D. O’Byrant High School/Boston Latin Academy and NSTAR/Boston University/Wentworth Institute of Technology/MassPEP…


FOR GIVING US PARK HOPPER PASSES!! We were not fortunate enough to afford the park hopper passes this year and were planning to just buy a ticket to one park.

But thanks to the generosity of this team (Liz and Colleen…i love you guys), they donated their park hopper passes to us.

Thanks guys.

Anton Abaya
Team Leader
Rambots, #419
UMass Boston / BC High