I want to give a huge thank you to team 271 for picking us to be part of their alliance in the Newton division at nationals.
Thier team was a truly great team. Their robot was a strong and cool robot. Their team was also great. They were right there in front of the stage helping to cheer on all three of the teams.
Thank you sooo muchs you guys and gals.
We hope to see you in the years to come and continue to help each other out.
I also want to say thank you to team 716 we couldn’t have done it without you.
We all did a great job…
We wish to thank you for believing in us!
Thanks for picking us at the Nationals and at New England!
This is our second year and we are very happy to have developed such a strong bond this year. Can’t wait until next year.
I believe that our alliance (you, Team 168, and us) was one of the strongest out there. We wish we could have been teamed up during qualifications.
Team 168, you were strong… We did not see you play during qualifications but we sure enjoyed having you as a partner.
well, on be half of team 271, i would like to say thank you to both of you, 716 and 168. we have made the important discovery that nationals are alot more fun when you do well, so we plan to do even better next year. you were great partners. together, the 3 of us had the potential to win the whole thing. i would especially like to thank the driver from 716, he got us out of a pretty big jam in that quarter final match.
also, thanks to the scouts on my team, they did an unblievable amount of work. they were up till 3am friday night organizing all of the data that they collected. i don’t think any other team new the potential that you guys had, but i guess we showed them. maybe we can be luckey enough to be allied together next year.
i would also like to thank Pete Burke (the bald guy you probably met). without a doubt, he is the single most person responsible for our success. the amount of time, effort, and money this guy gave us is unbelievable. this guy is just a parent of one of our team members. over the summer we built about 5 bases/drive systems in his shop to see which would work the best. i can’t wait for the party we’re gonna have at his house on fire island.
well, i hope you guys like your metals and trophies, i know we do.
I would like to again Say great job to 168 and 716, You guys performed fantastic and it was a pleasure to be teamed up with you guys ( and girls)! I remember the flashbacks from the past 2 years and I felt it an honor to pair up with you! and 716 once again proved how great they are at pushing people around!! Now I am slightly embarassed to admit the I forget where you two teams are from, but we are looking into going to “Rally In the Valley” hosted by team 95 more info here . If you guys are semi-local there are still open spots, i’d reccomend going if you can! I hope to meet up with you guys again soon! You guys were awesome! Peace!
-Tim Johnson - Control Box Operator