I would like to thank a few people who have inspired me over the past few years. The bad thing about this note is that I simply cannot list all of the people who have encouraged, pestered, and impacted my life in FIRST. I actually started making a list of people and I stopped at 70. That list had to be whittled down a bit to the people listed below.
This is a long note, and I am definitely breaking my “keep it concise” rule. OK… now that I read back on this monstrosity, I definitely crushed this rule. Oh well.
My wife, Mary - thanks for letting me play and supporting me through it all. A monumental time for us is when I volunteered to inspect at LA in 2001. She saw my excitement as I did this and even got to see a student ask for an autograph (I think it was Justin Rolnick from 702). I was planning on stepping back after that year… on the plane ride home she says “there is no way you can step back from this”. I agreed.
Although I personally thanked the TechnoKat team, I would like to thank them all publicly. They are a great group of people and good friends.
Kyle & Dennis Hughes, team 27 - thanks for showing us that you can do FIRST and be a good parent. I have 3 young daughters and they take priority over everything regarding FIRST. Kyle and Dennis prove that you can still be an active FIRST mentor and a caring parent.
Steve Shade, teams 7 & 1111 - thanks for always encouraging me, depending on me and accepting me as a friend. Steve is a college student who has done great things and will make a big impact on our culture.
Vince Wilczynski, FIRST, teams 500 & 124 - thanks for showing the example of professionalism, high character and class. You are an example to us all. I will never forget a time when a coach on an allied team and I were complaining to an official about a call. Vince was a judge and overheard the conversation. At the perfect time, Vince held out his hand and said “thanks for your concern and comments, gentlemen.” I knew that we were done debating and our case was over. Vince easily and graciously shut us up. This move was smooth, classy and professional. I strive for that wisdom and grace to this day.
Sean Schuff, 93 - thanks to Sean for showing how to be a leader, teacher and friend to students at the same time. Sean’s rapport with his students is excellent. They respect him, strive to please him, and call him their friend. This is not easy to do.
Darrell Noble, 71 - thanks to Darrell for your honesty and steadfast friendship over the years. Darrell is an unhearalded hero behind Team Hammond’s success. He easily will do whatever it takes to fix the robot, help a competitor, or encourage a student. He is always positive.
Jason Morrella, 254, FIRST - thanks to Jason for so many things. Most importantly, for being a friend while listening to my rants and encouraging me. Also, for putting me in visible positions and giving me the chance to help others. Jason shamelessly gives support to so many people in FIRST and I hope that he knows how many of us he has greatly affected.
DJ Fluck, 45 - thanks for compiling an excellent award entry. Your effort is an award in itself. Thanks for sticking with the TechnoKats and listening to team leadership through some difficult times. You are a fine young man and definitely a role model for my kids.
Tim Railey, 45 - thanks for your 12 years of FIRST commitment. You are a select breed who can listen and lead. Thanks for doing all of the crappy leadership jobs that I don’t want to do. Also, thanks for playing the role of “bad guy” and making me look like the “good guy”.
Dan Greeen, 111 - thanks for accepting me as a peer. As you are this big wig manager at Motorola and I’m a low level engineer as Delphi, you have always treated me as an equal and I appreciate that. I always enjoy our good times together. Go Cubs!
KC Connors, FIRST - I am always amazed how you can easily handle the pressure of many people complaining to her while you also can smile and dance to the music at a FIRST competition. You always keeps cool and organized under pressure. You are an amazing lady and you do not get the credit you deserve for being the glue that makes FIRST stick together.
Ken Patton, 65 - thanks for setting the example in expecting great things from your FIRST team. You told me early on to “set the bar high” and the team will achieve these goals. We TechnoKats are always striving for greatness and continuing to improve. This is the example that you set and we can only strive to meet you step for step.
Phil & Holly Perdan, 135 - thanks for showing your energy and excitement for FIRST to the rest of us. I don’t know a husband and wife who are more excited about FIRST than you two.
Libby & Scott Ritchie, 393 & 234 - thanks for showing all of FIRST that a husband and wife can sanely lead two separate teams. Your relationship with your family and students is unparralleled. Also, thank you for listening to me over the past year as we strive to make FIRST robotics in Indiana a great thing.
Tom Nader, 67 - thanks for showing all FIRST field coaches how to be the model of excitement and GP as you compete. The opportunities I’ve had to coach with you are good memories.
Mark Koors, 45 - thanks for showing me how to build a competitive robot. Thanks for showing me which tool to use and how to use it. Thanks for always being there with a great idea.
Ken Leung - thanks for sticking with FIRST through some changing times. Thanks for showing many of us that you can greatly impact FIRST by helping teams while still attending college.
My friends in the Tigerbolt chat room (Ashleeee, Maddie, Bill, Jim, Mike, big Mike, Joe, Evan, Carolyn, ) - thanks for accepting me as one of your own and thanks for your friendship.
Sean Roberts, 330 - thanks for always saying hi and thanks for your eagerness to help other FIRST teams.
Shannon Schnepp, 68 & 461 - Chris Noble, 71 & 461 - thanks for depending on me and freely giving credit to the many teams who help out team 461. This demonstration of class is an excellent example to your team.
Anthony Lapp, 68, 221, 857 - Travis Covington, 115, 968 - Colleen, DJ & Tom from WPI - & John and the crew from 229 - thanks for showing the rest of us that college - sponsored teams can build robots that are just as technically sound and complex as the ones that the “pros” design.
Amanda Morrison, 71, 1020 - thanks for selfishly giving credit to all who have helped you on your way to making a new FIRST team. It’s amazing how people interact and get to know and respect each other in FIRST. You demonstrate an excellent example and I am sure that your team of Prank Monkeys appreciate your effort greatly.
Joe Johnson, Mike Aubry, Mike Martus, Brandon Martus, 47 - thank you all for creating this addictive website. Thank you all for setting the example for how to can be an exciting and creative mentor. Brandon… I’d like to shake your hand one of these days. You guys better come to IRI.
There are numerous more that I would like to thank. Of course, I owe much thanks to Dean and Woodie for creating FIRST along with David Brown and Bob Hammond for making it work. FIRST is blazing a trail where there is no model to learn from as they go. The entire FIRST staff deserves much credit as they create this “thing” for us to do as we go through life.
Thank you all.
Andy B.