Thanks GM!!!!!!!!!! and other American car companys

Ever notice when looking around at the competitions that most teams are GM teams(included Delphi), and also FORD and DC. Don’t see many Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Kia teams. The big three is investing in us and not just them selves. Whenever you see or talk to any “big 3” executives be sure to thank them. I also remember this everytime I go to look for new cars. Thanks again BIG 3 for supporting the kids of tomorrow, it will pay off in the end.

Hey, don’t forget our mechanical-support sponsor, BorgWarner!

Their Indy 500 trophy is coveted by all those other guys :wink:

well, this is america, so of course it’s heavily sponsored by GM, DC and Ford. If something like FIRST is in japan, or germany, then you will probably see more sponsorship by likes of toyota, honda, volkswagen and bmw.

don’t get me wrong, i’m really grateful for the big 3’s sponsorship, but i just think it’s kinda unfair to bash the other automotive companies like that.

Yes, thank you to the Big 3!

However, in the larger populated areas of America one will find delerships of these companies. I would tend to think we would see these dealerships starting to sponsor teams, and in result we would hear several teams being sponsored by some of the foreign companies.

… just some thoughts …

Isn’t there a Honda plant in Kentucky? Are there any FIRST teams in Kentucky?

well, this is america, so of course it’s heavily sponsored by GM, DC and Ford. If something like FIRST is in japan, or germany, then you will probably see more sponsorship by likes of toyota, honda, volkswagen and bmw.

Yes, this is America, and all the foriegn companies sell more in this country than in thier own. So I don’t really see that as being the issue

As a matter of fact my Toyota Camry was built in Kentucky and my Chevrolet Caprice was built in Canada. I’m personnaly surprised Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, Kia, Nissan, ect. don’t sponsor more teams (if they sponsor any at all). I do know some are owned/partnered with American companys like Mazda is to Ford. Ford also has a good stake in Volvo and Jaguar whereby GM has Saab. You also have to wonder wether a request to sponsor a team isn’t made by the American “office” but rather the main “office” overseas. Maybe if FIRST someday expands overseas more these companys (and others over there) will take notice and also become sponsors. We already have teams in the UK and Brazil so I don’t see FIRST expanding overseas as far-fetched as some might think.

WOW, didn’t expect so many responses :ahh: . As a GM engineer I get to see stat’s every month on how we are losing car sales and jobs to foreign competition :frowning: . Foreign vehicles account for close 50% of the US sales. Even this I don’t mind becuase I believe in a open market, but I think these company’s getting rich off America should support more programs like FIRST. Give back a little to country, which is making them rich :wink: . Wouldn’t be great to have a couple hundred Toyota, Nissan, Kia, Honda & Suzuki teams competing in FIRST. I wasn’t trying to bash foreign car company’s at all, just something I had noticed over the last few years and wondered about. :yikes:

Just to clarify, Delphi is no longer a part of General Motors, and all of those foreign companies you mention are customers of ours, as are GM, Ford, and DC.

In addition to thanking the leaders of the "Big 3", please be sure to give Delphi CEO J.T. Battenberg some props if you ever see him walking around at a FIRST event for his continued support of this program!

actually Mercedez Benz sponsors quite a few teams, and was a major contributing sponsor to the NJ regional, as was Johnson and Johnson, and Bristol Myers Squibb

I remember getting a Rolls Royce pin from a team at Epcot in 2002… wow. That’d be an awesome team vehicle.

That Rolls-Royce pin came from us, Cyber Blue 234. We manufacture turbine engines for planes (military and commercial), helicopters (military and commercial), marines, and energy solutions. Rolls-Royce does not make cars anymore. They were sold to Bentley back in the '90’s. They have no afiliation with the current Rolls-Royce company.

There are Honda plants in Alabama and Georgia as well. I believe Toyota and mercedes have plants in Alabama. There are other plants in the southeast United states, but I can’t remember therm all. As far as Kentucky is concerned, building at the plant where they manufacture Corvettes would be much cooler than Honda (They’re built in Bowling Green, KY I believe).

Our team, 360, has a local Nissan Dealership as one of our team sponsors.

Not only do we thank them, but also GM as we won/earned the Industrial Design Award.

I’m not sure of an actual Honda plant in Kentucky but one of Honda’s suppliers, Green Tokia, has a factory there.

I think there’s a team sponsored by the BMW plant in South Carolina…