Thanks - Teams 314 and 858 - Annapolis

What a wild ride in the elimination rounds at Annapolis!!! On behalf of Team #365, the Miracle Workerz, a big “Thank You” goes out to Team #314 - Big MO and #858 - Delphi Demons for a terrific alliance. Thanks especially to #314 to selecting us.

Although we missed the big one, each match was exciting and unpredictable. From the 69-68 semifinals second match to the classic “teetering stack” of the quarterfinals second match to the “almost tipped - back up - no, tipped” action in the second match of the finals, it was a roller-coaster.

Also, great job to our competitors. There were some very close matches.

Great job all. Hope to see you guys and gals at future comps.

We would like to thank you team #365 also. You played a huge part of our allaince getting so far. We couldn’t of done it without your fast robot getting to the top of the ramp and knocking the stack over first. Good luck for the rest of your season.:yikes: