Thanks to teams 469 & 65

What a great run we had and we couldn’t have done it without either of you. Thank you for being a part of our alliance.

469 - We battled fiercely against you at GLR; we knew you had an amazingly fast & powerful robot; we knew you could drive around and knock down stacks or protect ours if necessary; we knew you could hold firm on the top of the hill; we knew you had a reliable and fast autonomous mode; we knew you had one of the best drive teams in all of FIRST; we knew we wanted to partner with you as soon as the division list came out. Fortunately we were lucky enough to get #1 seed and pick you.

65 - I don’t think we could have picked a better partner to complement us for the 2nd round. If there was a stack in the opponent’s scoring zone, we knew you could take it out; we knew you could move bins & descore as well as anyone; we knew your drivers had an uncanny ability to slide & skid onto the top of the ramp and get the 25 points if necessary. It was a big surprise to see you still around when it came time for our 2nd pick.

Great job both teams, you were crucial to the success of our alliance.

Alliance #2 had two chances of winning the Archimedes Finals - Slim and None. Slim never got to play.


*Originally posted by Mike Soukup *
**469 - … you had one of the best drive teams in all of FIRST. **

Team 85 sends a big thank you to 469 for the incredible sportsmanship shown after dragging us upside down around the field. The drive team stopped by to apologize for any damage and offered to help with repairs. That match helped make us better by showing us the limitations of our newly revised anti-tip bar, forcing us to continue improving our design.

Your awesome team and robot demonstrated that you were champions well before the final rounds. Thanks and Congratulations.


We were happy to go along on the wild ride with you guys. This was a dream alliance for us. We were disappointed with ourselves on Saturday because our autonomous mode (which close observers will know is 40% lethal and 60% placebo) was not up to snuff, but we were thrilled to slip by until the 2nd round of picks (that was us bouncing in our seats after the #8 seed made their pick).


congrats to 111,65,469 and good job, i am sure you will all agree with me and saying that those finals could not have been more dramatic and exciting than this

Man was it a wild ride! I never would of thought that we would be teamed up with some of the best teams in FIRST! Thanks for 111 and 469 for selecting us as part of your alliance. Also thanks to everyone who supported us along the way. It was a tough road to travel (especially during the final round of the Achemedies playoffs) and the support that we received was the best! You guys rock! Looking up from the field and seeing 20,000 people cheering is the best feeling of a family that you can possibly have. Once again, thank you so much to 111 and 469 for letting us a share this achievement with you guys!

It was the most Fun I have ever had to play with two of the Best teams to ever compete. When I found out that 469 and 111 were in our division I was determined to play with one of them. To be partnered with them both in elimination was unbelievable. I also wanted to congratulate my friends on 201 and 47 and thank them for rooting us on the rest of the way.

I was a referee on Archimedes, so I saw matches from only that division. I was sufficiently impressed with the performance of each team of the 11/469/65 alliance, though, that I expected them to win the whole thing, without having even seen most of the other 3/4 of the teams play. I was really surprised that 65 was available for the second round of picks, given that they were probably the best descorer/stack knocker in the division. It turned out to be great for 111 and 469 to have 65 available to round out their “dream team.”