That's annoying.

I am told that I am annoyed by little things, so I thought it might be interesting to make a list of annoying things.

ok, to start with.

A dripping faucet.
People with their brights on.
The fly that won’t leave you alone.

I’ll continue it later. Add on anything that annoys you.

The letter “O” is not a number on my telephone, it is a “zero”

I do not have a “hot water heater”. I have a “water heater”. Why would I spend money to heat hot water?

You do not have a 2 1/2 half car garage. You have a large 2 car garage or a 2 car garage with a storage area. Maybe a 2 1/2 car garage would come in handy if you ever bought 1/2 a car.

Dare I say, saving seats at the championship?

“ATM Machine”

Most people have no clue clue.

Be sure to enter your PIN number into the ATM machine.

Me: Hi there.
Customer: Fine, thanks.

Left exits on the highway.
People who don’t use their blinker.
Saying ‘like’ multiple times per sentence.

People who don’t stop at stop signs
People who don’t use signals to change lane
People who use their cell phones while driving
People who read while driving
People who conduct business while driving
People who pull out in front of you and don’t step on the gas
Bikers who have very loud pipes (They don’t save lives)
People who drive below the posted speed limit
People who drive slow in the fast lane

I’ll think of more later :smiley:

Let me borrow your car… then you’ll have 1/2 a car back :smiley:

My list

#1. KIDS ON CEL PHONES! (anyone in line or driving while chatting on one)
#2. Welfare
#3. The government.

Sorry, this is off topic… But I saw a lady the other day that had to have been 70 driving while talking on a cell phone. That is annoying and slightly funny.

To add on:
People who use big words to appear intelligent(most of them are not really as smart as they let on.)
People who take good statistics and use them to mislead someone.
People who can’t go two minutes without cussing.

-DVD players that only sometimes work (my current situation)
-Region specific DVDs and only 5 available changes on the drive

OMG Please say it ain’t so… NOTHING scares me more than “blue hairs” behind the wheel in my work zone… and now you say granny got a phone. :eek:

I wonder if anyone makes a armored safety vest :confused:

I know this is an old thread, but something really annoyed me.

I was doing a math problem and I was on problem 17. I was having trouble on part B so I was going to check the back of the book to see if the answer gave me an idea. You see, odd numbers are always in the back but not the even. B wasn’t there. There was A and C but no B. I noticed all of the problems were like that. They have A C E but not B D F. The book seems to think that B is an even letter. So on to my pet peeve.

THERE ARE NOT EVEN LETTERS. Odd and even only applies to numbers. Not letters.

when people reserect their old threads (no offence).

People not reading the game manual and then posting questions with “obvious” answers found in the rules. That annoys me to no end… Especially when it’s the nth thread on the topic.

People who cut me off when im on a bike and yell “get on the sidewalk jerk!” even though im going 25mph on a 25mph road.

When people make fun of me for riding a bike everywhere (i dont have a license yet and a bike is much cheaper than a car. expecially with gas!) and its a nice bike too. a jamis ventura sport.

For cycling… Vehicles that, with plenty of room to go around, don’t. In fact, the #1 best way to irritate me/make me nervous is to go my speed when you have room, especially if I’m making an effort to let you go by.

(Had a car once that did that. When I absolutely had to take more room in the road due to a parked car, they honked and sped by. I think they were laughing. I figure anyone who tries that to me again, I can remember a license plate number.)

Back when the thread was first created, this wasn’t offered in the USA. Prescience perhaps?

Little things that annoy me:

People who don’t do their job, forcing you to bug them constantly
People who are not competent to do their job and don’t even know it
People who drive poorly - especially following me too closely.



People who yell things out of cars at me while I’m riding my bike (more so if I know them, if they’re strangers it’s somewhat excusable).

People who cut me off on my bike. I mean really; I was going 30 in a 25, and I almost ran into the guy who cut me off because he couldn’t wait five seconds to turn. I had to lock up my rear wheel to stop.

People who drive “sports utility” vehicles yet clearly don’t do any sports. The people don’t have much utility, either.

When I am walking around in a suburb and some random person yells " Learn to drive!!!" Its also happened when I’ve walked in crosswalks when the light has changed and its my turn to go. I’ve also gotten people yelling “Get a life!”

Do people have nothing better to do than to yell at pedestrians? How about they focus on driving themselves around rather than why a pedestrian (that’s minding his own business) is not driving.

>People riding bicycles while talking on the phone and carrying something in the other hand. (physically impossible? visit a university.)
>Really old things the government still won’t release the files on.
>Ticking clocks.
>Heizenberg’s uncertainy principle.
>Lab View
>Busy schedules
>Pro E
>Petroleum fuels (they’re just too darn energy dense and hard to replace!)

There’s more, I’m sure… but these bug me on a relatively high duty cycle.
