So when reading through the 2023 rules I found a small rule that could’ve made a very stupid design possible. I started work on this design before the Motor Rule Changes for the 2024 Season came out making this project illegal for the 2024 season and beyond.
- 40 BAG Motors
- Weighs 52 lbs with no electronics, bumpers, or battery
- 27" x 21" West Coast Drivetrain
- <6" Tall for low COG
- Uses combination of 4" Traction Wheels and 4" DuraOmni wheels
2023 Rule R504
R504 Each power regulating device may control electrical loads per Table 9-2. Unless otherwise noted, each power regulating device shall control 1 and only 1 electrical load.
This rule shows that 2 BAG motors may be connected to 1 motor controller and since the REV PDHREV's Power Distribution Hub has 20 slots this implies that 20 motor controllers each controlling 2 motors is legal.
5 BAG Motor Gearbox
The 1st stage is made with a .5" Hex Bore, 32DP, 85 tooth gear and 5 .125" Round Bore, 32DP, 12 tooth Pinion Gear bored out to fit on the 5mm shaft of the BAG Motor.
The second stage uses a .5" Hex Bore, 20DP, 24 tooth gear and a .5" Hex Bore, 20DP, 43 tooth gear.
Overall with the 4" wheels it should* achieve a free speed of 18.13 ft/s
There’s even space to mount a Rev Through Bore Encoder for maximum precision!
*obviously this drivetrain would not work with the high power draw of using 40 motors for the drivetrain but it was a fun cad project.