The Arbitrator by 4576

This is the final Assembly drawing if there are anymore questions and for the other files email [email protected].

The Arbitrator.docx (548 KB)

The Arbitrator.docx (548 KB)

What is the reasoning for putting the gear boxes at opposite corners?

I guess we will never know as there are no CAD files.:confused:

For future reference, it would be better to post the CAD model in addition to screenshots. Just like picture is worth a thousand words, a 3D model is worth many 2D images. Probably not quite 1000, but still a lot of images.

For the future, there is a significantly easier way to post a screenshot of CAD to Chief Delphi.

  1. Go to the Start Menu, then in the search area type in “Snipping Tool”.

  2. Under the “New ▼” button, select Rectangular if it’s not already selected.

  3. Drag a rectangular window over what you want to save.

  4. Go to File > Save As and save as a PNG image (for most things) or JPG (if you want to post to CD-Media).