I have been looking around for the best low hatch bots or low hatch matches to show to my team was is an effective way to knock out hatches but have had trouble finding matches or a specific robot that is adept at just the low hatch placement any help, links, or recommendations is appreciated.
3324 won the Miami Valley regional by placing 4-6 hatches on the ship and rocket and cargoing like crazy.
5847 was finalist at Midwest to us, they only score hatches and partnered with a bot that was very good at cargoing. They were a pretty big threat in quals and were a force to be reckoned with in the finals.
I’m going to put in a bit of a weird suggestion: 1746 OTTO from the PCH district. They weren’t really meant to be a low hatch specialist at Gainesville (they have an elevator as well as a cargo intake). Unfortunately their elevator and cargo intake weren’t quite working by week 1, but they adapted quickly. By the end of Gainesville they were a pretty quick low hatch bot. I’m pointing them out to show what you can do with a simple hatch mech and good driving.
I was at Midwest for week 2, and I would have to nominate 3061 (Huskie Robotics). Likely because their robot is quite small, it was extremely quick around the field. Their driver was clearly experienced because of the way they maneuver, and I’m expecting great things from them at their next regional!
(P.S. They’re low hatches only, with a static mechanism. But they can climb HAB 2 as well!)
2910 is by far one of the best low bots. Their swerve enabled them to zip around the field avoiding defense, and they ended up winning the PNW Mount Vernon event as the first alliance captain.
I’d like to drop a mention for 1493. They would quickly score 2-4 hatches and then 5 or 6 cargo (whatever would maximize their score on the cargo ship and low level of the rocket) pretty consistently at TVR.