It’s summer and CD needs a laugh, so I have this story and visual aid to offer:
Team 4926 was on Hopper field for the calibration/measurement period doing our thing: checking our limelight settings and cargo vision color calibration. @Michael_Corsetto and Citrus Circuits show up making like 150 measurements of the field. Those guys are VERY thorough, ya know, doing what ever it takes to make Einstein a bazillion times in a row. I wouldn’t know of course. Anyway, we get to talking and our autonomous cargo search algorithm comes up. Mike is very complimentary and has a good chat with our lead programmer. He even said something like “I wish we had done that.” It was a nice moment for us, and we walked away feeling good about ourselves and confirming that the Citrus folks are awesome, as expected.
Then the following happened. 4926 is Blue and attempting a 4 ball going to the loading area by color searching when we make a B-line to a blue tub OUTSIDE the field. I never got to catch up with Mike and show him this failure mode. For what its worth, the tub was not there during the calibration period and was moved later at our request.
I saw that happen just once this season; IIRC it was in Week 2. Only time I have ever had to wave a flag and point at a human player, going back to 2014. The student knew it was a foul the instant they did it, could tell by that Oh Crud facial expression.
Funny enough we had a HP penalty in a close loss. It took several times watching to figure out what the ref was waving at, but the HP had forgot to shoot the cargo in auto, so did so in teleop. Whoops.
I remember you mentioned something about red wire in the Terminal messing with your vision at a past event? Wild to see the robot chase down the blue bin in that video. Speaks to the cutting-edge nature of your software this year!
It was great meeting you and your team on Hopper, hope to see you guys at champs again soon!