We all can practice and predict how much we can score by ourselves. But based on the rules and game this year, how much can you realistically do in a match?
Our team believes that any team that can do 6 or more consistently (including taking spoilers off and repositioning them) is an upper echelon robot, assuming all 6 robots are all trying to do the same thing.
Do you honestly think that there is enough information out there to justify a true repsonce to this poll? I doubt 85% of teams have a 2nd bot to play d with agaisnt this years bot to simulate the game for real. just my thoughts.
That’s true. However, this is why its just an opinion poll and teams making a judgement call.
We’ve seen posts on more and more robot pics. However, not to many of them describing performance based on their own opinions.
Im going to assume that 1-2 is highly unlikely. If they can score, they probably can do more.
Scoring ringers is going to be like dating. While a select few will master it with relative ease, the vast majority will need quite a bit of time to refine their skills to an acceptable level.
At some point though, everyone will start dating ringers, keepers and spoilers.
I think that we will probaly be able 2 hang 2 or 3 and that is with our ramp
For the teams/people putting more than six, im just gonna call your bluff right about now. While a select few will do it, it just will be hard to do for many others. With any defense being played or teams trying to pick up off the ground, its just not gonna happen that easily. The tubes are thrown around easily on the ground if someone tries to knock it away from you when you’re picking up off the floor. I’m not saying it won’t happen. A few teams will indeed do 7 consistantly. But, thats about it.
Yeah definitiely…
the teams that are answering 6+ really need to evaluate that response. Obviously the results of this poll are moot to begin with, but still, I selected the 5-6 option as our upper limit. THe best tube scorers will be able to do 6-7 a match consistently…the BEST, which are few and far between.
With the defense that will be played, the difficulty of retrieving ringers, The difficulty of scoring ringers, etc I believe that a good scoring robot will score possibly 3 ringers.
That being said, our robot will score 0 ringers :eek:
I’m in a similar boat with you, but I think that the absolute upper crust of teams may be able to place 7-9 (I’m talking Beatty, 'Stang, Poofs, Gorillas, Simbots and the select few others on that level). There will probably be 2 or 3 teams at most regionals (and a couple of the smallers regionals might not have any) in the 6-7 range. A majority of good bots will probably get 4-5 on average.
The more good bots together though, the much greater the score. Multiple offensive bots will relieve defensive pressure on eachother, and will make the creation of longer rows much easier. I fully expect the final round rack scoring to be expotentially higher than most qualifying rounds.
Well… at the '05 LA regional we played the alliance of 330 and two near identical robots. They were pure offense and we limited their scoring a lot, but lost because our alliance was pure defense (we used our arm for defense). In the champ finals, where defense was minimal, a significantly higher number of tetras were scored.
When it comes to the championships, there will probably less defense than at the regional level and the level of play will be higher. But, because of the ramp bot bonus there will probably be more defense than '05.
I really can’t make up my mind about this… I guess we won’t know for sure until the regionals…
we haven’t tested our robot yet (the mechanical team hasn’t quite yet given it over to the programmers), but our robot was designed for speed, power, and ease of scoring. I’m estimating we’ll be able to do 6 or more in a match, and if not… well, we had fun trying.
Im agreeing with team 25. To pick scoring more than 6++ is highly unlikely and only a few will do it realistically and consistently.
The reason: Unlike 2005, you can only grab ONE at a time! AND once its on the rack, you cant put more on the same spot. Imagine if you could, teams could go back and forth to the same spot and be consistent. However, trying to make rows, etc. may be more difficult.
Although this is all based on opinion, this poll still offers a lot in terms of seeing what teams are thinking about and possibilities.
We chose 5-6 max per round. During our practice, we can sometimes do more, however, with only us on our field. Im looking at 4-5 (thinking that’s good) in a matchup of 6 teams on the field. Once again, because we cant hord these things, it limits what teams can do.
A good example is team 71 in 2005. they scored as much as 12 tetras that I personally saw, BUT could grab 4 at a time. They would not be able to do that much if they could only do 1 at a time, going back and forth.
Just my opinion…
cool thanks for your help and also visit our website at http://www.hoggzilla.com/ thank you for your time
I have seen a bunch of great videos of teams this year. But i have not seen a single one, where a robot picks up a tube and places it on the rack. I would love to see a team post a 2 min video of them capping more then 7 in a round.:rolleyes: I think teams this year are trying to do everything again. Just like last year simple, will win more ofter then everything bot.
I think we may be able to put on up for you before ship.
Ours is pretty adept as is, and we haven’t finished code yet.
In my humble opinion, anyone who claims that they can score >5 in a round a) hasn’t tested, b)is one of the best of the best, or c) is full of BS.
Our calculation suggested a theoretical maximum of 7, or 10 with no defense whatsoever.
I thought if you want a ringer, to keeper you gotta spoiler…
its been a LOOOONG build season…