These replies are exactly opposite what I expected. Having only started in 2012 I have a different perspective since the game moved to more and not less competitive. Actually quite a refreshing view point, thanks all.
I will tell my story. In the quarter-finals we ended up down a bot for repairs. Our team was pushing on two of their bots at the same time. The pushing match did not subside and I saw no ref reaction. One of their bots began to tip so I told the driver to barrel through. Flip. For this we were yellow carded even though we thought we were valid (perhaps because we enjoyed it too much?).
Oddly they never displayed the “corrected” score so I don’t know how much our penalty was but it was a 2 point loss. We actually ended up winning the quarter-final in the end by continued harassing by our bot in the 2nd and the arrival of the 3rd bot for the 3rd game.
Meanwhile my daughter 11 in the stands said “people were saying bad words daddy. They said ####”. The conversation went like this.
Husband: <censored>
Wife: Relax its just a robot
Husband: It is NOT just a robot. <more rant>
I think these robots somehow become and extension of their teams. If it is hurt, they feel it. I think of it as “just a machine” because I was there when it was built. Do I need therapy?
In another match, I saw a robot hit another front bumper to front bumper square. It was what would have just bumped most bots but because the 2nd bot was top heavy it went straight back and down. Yellow card and they lost.
I am in agreement with a lot of you that the defense of the game this year has been hobbled. We had a stationary full court shooter on our alliance and so then had to devote one robot to protect it, no shooting from it. Our defense was more or less a pushing match the whole time. Meanwhile they had two excellent mobile shooters to our one mobile shooter. This is why I don’t think with a stationary full court shooter on a team can they can win. If we could have eliminated the push-bot we could have assisted in defending our one mobile shooter. Or they could have gotten to the full court shooter if the other way around. Instead no change in the balance the whole match.
Seems kind of lame you have to penalized for what are now considered harsh defensive measures, that without there is not possibility of a win. Because of the penalties and the reaction to them it makes me feel like I’ve done something sleazy quite frankly. That is why I refer to it as ‘The Dark Side’.
But I’ll get over it. I’ve seen in the high scores thread how many fouls are occurring in the high stakes matches. There are those who are not afraid to defend in spite all the friction.
I also enjoyed reading the stories about damaged robots. Thanks for sharing. That could be its own thread. I wonder what kind of damage stories happened more recently and how they compare.