The Database (And update report)

Hey everyone!

Well… I know that the summer’s a blast, and the last thing on some people’s minds may be robotics / FSN.

Let me start off by saying what’s been done in the past few weeks. If you haven’t looked yet, you should check our our new nifty FSN Home page ( ) There might be some things popping up there over the next few weeks, so check every now & then.

But… what we REALLY need is a DATABASE DESIGN. Before we can really go any further making anything (such as the XML standard, the import/export scripts, …) we need to have a design for the database.

If ANYONE wants to head this up and spend 2-3 hrs punching out something, please email me ( [email protected] ) or PM me (Either a CD or FSN pm.) OR AIM me (knehcsa). I’ll give you an idea of what I think we’ll need. At least we’ll then have something so that people can make comments and changes.

Thanks a ton!



Yeah… I’m really sorry :slight_smile:

But people… We really do need to get moving on a DB.

I have one person doing something and I’ll try to do something too.

SO… To anyone with MySQL skills who wants to design a database for FSN.

Contact me (see my profile)

Thanks :slight_smile:


PS: Sorry brandon for the bumb;)