We finished our electrical board a few days ago.
Absolutely gorgeous. I supposed I’m biased, though
Nice!! Does the bottom look anywhere near as neat as the top?
Beautiful layout. Very serviceable.
Are the wires labeled, especially the PWMs? Also label the victors, and note which breaker goes to where.
And what’s that board on the lower left for? (I am thinking I should recognize it, but I just don’t know what it’s for…)
Yes, for the most part it does. All the wires are bundled nicely so it’s pretty well organized.
All PWM cables, Victors, and Spikes are labeled so we know exactly what each one controls and where it is going.
The item on the lower left is a custom circuit board that we made for last years robot. It had LEDs that indicated the charge of the battery and then also had LEDs representing all the different circuit breakers to indicate which ones have popped. This isn’t the same circuit board that we are going to use this year, we are making a new and different one; we just put the old one on there to plan out the board.
Cool, I’ll have to make a note to stop by and see it in person when I’m at the MN regional.
oh for sure you should, we wont be hard to find…we are the only all girls team in Minnesota
wow i like it. i stared at it for about 5 minutes. i made our electonics as a 2-story box with hinges. but wow, this is so neat!
Love it.
Very nice board indeed. The only concern that our mentor had was that the wires would not be liked by the inspection team. Our team has about half of them like that. WEll get a picture up wehn we get it done but great job!!!
I like it, very compact good work
Thats a cool board… I like the custom circuit. Has it proven to be very helpful in the past or is it one of those “just in case it happens we’re prepared” kind of deals?
The custom circuit was immensely beneficial to us last year. The voltage indicator was extremely useful in practice and competition. However, we didn’t have any issues with circuit breakers popping, so this year we decided to take that feature out. Our circuit board for this year is going to have 7 LEDs to indicate the voltage of the battery along with a charging circuit for the 7.2v battery.