The "extras" at Championships

Before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone compiled a list of the “extras” that are occurring at Championships this year? By this I mean things like the Rookie Meet and Greet, Talent Show, RoboProm, Tiara Friday? Anything that doesn’t already appear in the official FIRST guides? ( is the one for FRC)

I’m curious and hopeful that there will be a CD Webhug.

Tiara Friday?

It’s self explainatory. You wear a tiara on Friday. You occasionally will see a guy wearing one, specifically the MC’s. I never have particiapted though cause I forget my tiara at home. I think it’s mainly a volunteer thing but it sometimes spreads a bit further for the teams that attend on a regular basis.

Has anyone heard anything about the mentor breakfast this year? I’ve been keeping my eyes open and still haven’t heard anything.

I attended last year when 3081 qualified but I’ll be going without a team this year, and I would still like to attend the breakfast.

Seems like no such list currently exists. I’d love to see one, though.

I know, for example, there’s going to be a FIRSTers tumblr meetup TBD on Thursday. ( will have all the information when it’s known.)

If anything, I’d love to see this list so I know where all the -fun- stuff is! :slight_smile:

There will be a mentor breakfast this year (I’m working at it), but apparently the details are not ready to be announced yet. So watch the e-mail blasts for more info!

2013 Chairman’s Exchange

New event this year hosted by 2486

Thanks for the info!