For 5188:
Step 1: Read the rules. And then read the rules again. Then, get together as a group and read the rules together. Discuss any of the confusing ones (this years would be how assists are scored) and make sure EVERYONE is on the same page. This usually takes a good chunk of Saturday.
Step 2: Make a list of functions (basic tasks) the robot can do. Put special effort to make sure that the language of the function does not lend itself to a certain design, e.g. saying “put frisbee in high goal” instead of “shoot frisbee in high goal”. This list should be extremely exhaustive and include anything you could ever imagine a robot doing in the game. This usually takes up the rest of Saturday and a bit of Sunday.
Step 3: This step can take many forms, anywhere from mathematical models as Marshall mentioned to some pieces of paper and a whiteboard to a bunch of kids in a gym with the game piece. I usually refer to this step as match simulation, but the goal is to really figure out how the game is going to be played. We typically pick a few functions from the list we have generated (figuring out which functions together would make a reasonably feasible robot is one of the hard judgement calls) and attempt to simulate what a match would be like with those robots. We generally break it down into intervals of 15 seconds each in order to make it easier to keep track of what’s going on. After the match ends, we attempt to identify the deciding factor of the match/why did the victorious alliance win. This process can go on for multiple days, as we attempt to reach a fairly large consensus on strategy before continuing. We try to finish this up Monday, if not Tuesday.
Step 4: Once we have our strategy solidified, we go back to our list of functions and put more thought towards which of these functions would best accomplish that strategy. Remember, in most games, it’s better to play a role than attempt to do everything. We then prioritize the chosen functions (hint: if move isn’t #1 on your priority list, you’re probably doing it wrong). This is usually finished up by the end of Tuesday.
Step 5: Now that we’ve decided what we want the robot to do, we start brainstorming actual concepts to execute these functions. Usually I try to break up students into smaller groups, mixed between veteran and new students. They debate these concepts and try to refine them as much as possible. Basic calculations and sketches to determine the feasibility of these concepts is encouraged. Groups will also develop their own prototypes to aid in this process. This usually fills up the rest of the weekdays.
Step 6: Now we will meet back together and list out all the concepts, usually per system, and deliberate between these. Decision matrices are made. Prototypes are demonstrated. Discussion essentially continues until a consensus is once again reached on what the robot should generally look like.
Step 7: Everyone breaks up into subteams, mechanical goes to CAD the robot and further develop prototypes if necessary.
Side note: If you want to try to break the game, it’s done in Step 2 and 3.