The Jamboree and MD State Fair

I was wondering about which teams were planning on going to the Boyscout Jamboree at AP Hill and which were planning on going to the Maryland State Fair, sponsored by NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center.


This year there will be a competition at the MD State Fair, held at the Timmonium Fairgrounds, which is a little north of Baltimore City. We are looking for 20 teams for the competition.

The competition will take place Labor Day weekend, September 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The fair runs from August 24th to September 3rd. There is no entry fee. However, we want all robots on display the full 10 days of the fair. Teams do not have to come every day. Teams can sign up online with the link below.
So far 7, 53, 225, 306, 422, 652, and 686 are signed up. If you have any questions, you can contact:

Mike Wade: [email protected]
Steve Shade: [email protected]


MD State Fair Information and Signup

We were trying to come down but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. I can get college students down but it’s the high schoolers that are the problem. I should however be there to help out though if that means anything to anyone. :wink:

Matt who still needs to email Mike Wade about helping out…

Mike Wade e-mailed me the flyer for the Maryland State Fair Competition and Display and wanted me to post it on here.

Here it is in MS Word Format.


does anyone have info about the VA state fair???


*Originally posted by Andrew Dahl *
**does anyone have info about the VA state fair???
dahl **

The VA. state fair usually runs from late Sept. to Early Oct. on strawberry hill, richmond int’l raceway site. Team 122 was there last year. Jeff Seatonis the best person I can think of to contact for info. I don’t have his email address but Tom Fairchild, he’s registered on the board, would know how to contact him. I hope this helps.