The New OCCRA Season 2004

I hope everyone had a good summer.
I know OCCRA is coming up fast and I have a couple of questions .
Do you know if the additional hardware list might be given out early before the kickoff? It would be a great benefit to be able to pick up materials before the kickoff. We would also then be able too spread out the buying frenzy at all the local hardware stores.
The Material list for the playing field would also be of great help so that we could buy these items ahead of time.
Its almost time for OCCRA 2004, see you at the competitions

                                                                                                                                                      Jimmy Holmes
                                              Team 27

I don’t think that they would. They probably want to wait until the kick-off. Which by the way, does anyone know when that will be?

September 9.

You can use the additional hardware list and kit materials list from last year (2003). There will not be major changes, just a few additions and a new controller if all works out well in the next few weeks.

Speaking of OCCRA - Just wait we have a killer game with a challenge this year.

Game Hint: Unique game pieces, round but will not roll, get the point or your square.

Thanks for the info. We cant wait for the new OCCRA season to start.
See you all then

Anything on time and place? I’m assuming 5~6ish that evening, in the big confrence room at the Oakland Schools Palace, but official information would be nice.

By the way, are there any workshops this year? and if so, when?

( I have a feeling that I already missed them.)

Also, is there a calendar available online with all the dates of everything? or do we have to get our information piece by piece through these forums.

Anything on time and place? I’m assuming 5~6ish that evening, in the big confrence room at the Oakland Schools Palace, but official information would be nice.

You might have gotten the update by now… or maybe not :slight_smile: Just in case, kickoff begins at 4 at Oakland Schools in Pontiac.

By the way, are there any workshops this year? and if so, when?

( I have a feeling that I already missed them.)

Also, is there a calendar available online with all the dates of everything? or do we have to get our information piece by piece through these forums.

As far as I know, the workshops have not occurred yet, and your adult coaches will have gotten or have already received the information.

Hope that helps. See you all at kickoff!

anyone have the actual address of the place? so i can look it up on mapquest?

Any news as to the dates of the competitions this year? Specifically the women’s comp, but if someone has all the dates that would be awesome! Thanks and I can’t wait for it to start up!

The OCCRA Womens Tournament is always the Saturday after Thanksgiving at Lawrence Tech (first Sat in December). I think that this is the date for this year.

Different this year is the fact that the Womens game details will be released at the general kickoff. This is to give the young ladies time to plan and start the needed changes to their robot. In the past the time was only several days. With the lengthened time we expect major changes to play their game, which by the way is a major difference from the regular game.

As far as dates this is all I have at the moment, the rest will be released at the kickoff.

Kick Off - 4:30pm at Oakland Schools. Oakland Schools is located on the southwest corner of Pontiac Lake Road and Telegraph Road in Waterford, Michigan.The address is 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328-2736.

October 23 Saturday - First weeks competition.
Competitions ?? Weekdays Dates and locations TBD
November 20 - Saturday County Championship - (Tentative Royal Oak)

As far as workshops I am not certain we will have them. What will need to take place is modification to drive kit materials that will be done at OTCNE the following week. Details on this at kick off. We are getting improved, stronger drill motors to ease some of the kit weaknesses,

Our captain said that there was a workshop on Monday, I don’t know where and he didn’t seem to know, and one on Thursday (tomorrow) at Oakland Technical Center from 4 to 6. He heard this from the other team at our school, but I don’t know where that info came from. I also don’t know where OTC is…I’m getting a ride there from the captain also. It sounds like nobody has had any official e-mail… (OCCRA, hinthint*) Anyone have an E-mail address for anyone at OCCRA?

Just click Mike Martus’ name post above you) and select “Send E-Mai” from the drop down menu.

If you would like to be added to the official OCCRA mailing list, send me your e-mail address. I am at [email protected].

Why in the heck doesn’t OCCRA have their own website? There should be a website with all the dates and all the signup crap, etc. There shouldn’t be any reason there isn’t…I am making a topic with all the dates on it as I get the e-mails. I still can’t beleive it isn’t more organized… :confused: :frowning:

Actually right now this is the best place to get info and to ask questions. This OCCRA forum is followed very closely by many OCCRA mentors and students alike. The info about the workshops has been sent out via emails and also some info has been hinted too on here. I’m sure you can be added to the list.

 As for having a website and being more organized I'm sure they would be very happy with any help you can offer in your spare time. Remember we all have busy lives and if we work together it can only make the task easier on everyone.